
Home Forums eaDocX queries Customizing styles for the table – not available

Home Forums eaDocX queries Customizing styles for the table – not available

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  • #7622

    I see in the EaDocX Overview pdf that I can customize styles for my tables as presented in the attached print screen.
    However can’t see thi soption.

    I see following options:
    Tool–> Options and Settings –> Tables –> e.g. Test style Heading. And there are two option[Normal] and [eaDocXSection].
    So…I do not see such clear table as presnted on the screenshot. Would you please advice?



    OK, I have managed to do so in the different way.

    This overview.pdf is a bit misleading.

    I have just used options as on the print screen and they work.
    The clue is to:
    – set the new styles within word doc created and open via eaDocX
    – refresh styles available in the drop down via the button at the bottom.


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