
Home Forums eaDocX queries Diagram data in eaXL

Home Forums eaDocX queries Diagram data in eaXL

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  • #6773
    Heather Wallace

    There have been a number of occasions when I’ve needed to change the names, descriptions or even stereotype of number of diagrams in a package “en masse”. This would be much easier and less error via an eaXL spreadsheet than it is selecting each diagram individually via the project browser.

    Would it be possible to either (preferably) include Diagram as an element type to be listed in the same way as other package elements in the output, or to have a separate mechanism to provide diagram attributes?

    Here’s hoping,

    Adrian Support

    Hi Heather

    Interesting idea – just to clarify before my brain goes into solution mode – you just want to edit the diagram properties that you see on the “general” tab under diagram properties? And none of the other stuff!

    And then see what the boss thinks about it :unsure:

    eaDocx Support

    Heather Wallace


    The general tab properties would be the most useful and of great value on their own.

    The ones on the other tabs would also be useful (especially that namespace one!) but I suspect that’s a whole other magnitude of task. And it’s obviously not that easy as Sparx got some of the fields the wrong way round when adding several of them into the MDG Profile Helper.

    Adrian Support

    Thanks for clarification – I guessed that a few other items could come onto the list.
    I’ll see what we can do and hopefully include in a future release.

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