
Home Forums eaDocX queries Doc generation terminating early

Home Forums eaDocX queries Doc generation terminating early

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  • #7474
    Ken Norcross

    I have a case where the document generation terminates early. I turned full trace on and the results are below using a test case/model that can demonstrate the failure.

    The model is shaped like this:

    BMPN Activity –trace–> Package –(children)–> Use Cases –(contains)–> Structured Scenario

    The document generation terminates early when:

    – 2 activities are traced to the same Package
    – the Use Cases in the package contain Structured Scenarios to be printed by the profile

    In the test run output below we have:

    – Activity1 and Activity2 both traced to UseCasePackage1
    – Activity3 traced to UseCasePackage3 (does not appear in the output)
    – Activity4 traced to UseCasePackage4 (does not appear in the output)

    The document generation terminates after trying to generate the scenario for Activity2

    eaDocX Trace Information

    3/25/2014 1:57:37 PM – Saved XML Profile in the CustomXML
    3/25/2014 1:57:43 PM – Full version – using saved key
    3/25/2014 1:57:43 PM – Last sucessful call to PHServer was: 3/24/2014 11:15:54 AM
    3/25/2014 1:57:43 PM – Timout value is: 4320 mins
    3/25/2014 1:57:43 PM – Don’t need to call PHServer- within valid time
    3/25/2014 1:57:43 PM – Generator started: eaDocX Version
    3/25/2014 1:57:43 PM – Generator setting: Full
    3/25/2014 1:57:43 PM – Deleting existing bookmarks from document
    3/25/2014 1:57:43 PM – Starting generating section ProcessMap
    3/25/2014 1:57:43 PM – Generating Section: ProcessMap
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Gen>>CommonInlineActivity, Activity1
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Generating Relationship Elements
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, UseCasePackage1
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case1
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Generating Relationship Elements
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Generating Relationship Elements
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Generating Relationship Elements
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Generating Relationship Elements
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Gen>>CommonInlineActivity, Activity2
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Generating Relationship Elements
    3/25/2014 1:57:45 PM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, UseCasePackage1
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case1
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Duplicate GUID for scenario step: {347D8665-781A-46f5-8F16-80C79CFCBA5E}
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Duplicate GUID for scenario step: {B7430379-ECC1-452e-99C0-05EEA179A982}
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Duplicate GUID for scenario step: {1568C83D-77E1-4094-83A4-22B6FD73C374}
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Duplicate GUID for scenario step: {57C2F2A4-FA47-4441-8DD3-D07389995FCB}
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – DiagramGenerator>.generateDiagram system error
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Inserted diagram BPMNPackage
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Section generated OK: ProcessMap
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Generating cross references
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Finding forward refs
    3/25/2014 1:57:46 PM – Adding references
    3/25/2014 1:57:47 PM – Generate successful
    3/25/2014 1:57:47 PM – Saved XML Profile in the CustomXML

    Ken Norcross

    Just ran across another related case where the same or similar failure seems to be happening.

    We have a document that contains 2 BPMN process map diagrams. There are Activities in the document that appear on both maps. Through relationships these activities are traced to Use Cases with scenarios, which also print in the document.

    When we hit the scenario that is repeated elsewhere in the document the generation fails in a similar way as above. I can describe this case in more detail if needed but there seems to be an issue with repeating the same scenario in a document more than once.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 12 months ago by Ken Norcross.
    Ken Norcross

    OK forget the BPMN layer, I think the issue is demonstrated nicely if you try and print the same Use Case Structured Scenario twice in the same document.

    I used an empty word Doc, added the Use Case Detail profile provided by eaDocX.

    Create a Use Case, with a simple structured scenario like:

    1. User does A
    2. System does B

    Add a section to the document pointing to the Use Case, and then add another section to the document pointing to the same Use Case.

    Document generation fails here in quite a severe way.

    eadocX Support

    Quite correct!
    Error on my part: I never thought that the same document might contain the same use case details, down to the Scenario Step level.
    This will be fixed in v3.4.1.0 which I am just completing now, and should be available on the website on 26/3/2014.

    Ken Norcross

    Thank you, I will look for this later today.

    I admit it is not ideal and probably unexpected to have the same use case details twice in the same document, but this is a sort of compromise solution for some abuses of our BA metamodel.

    Ken Norcross

    Has been made available? I do not see it on the latest release notes page.

    eadocX Support

    You’re SO impatient.
    I generally say in advance which release a fix will be in, but its hard to say exactly when that release will be made available.
    In this case, is now available 🙂

    Ken Norcross
    Participant picked up, installed, and tested on one document.

    Seems to fix my issue.

    Thanks yet again for a quick turnaround!

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