
Home Forums eaDocX queries Document could not be generated message

Home Forums eaDocX queries Document could not be generated message

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  • #6555
    Paul Whiston

    Just tried to generate my document and got the
    “Your document could not be generated” popup
    I am able to generate each section individually without a problem but when generating all I get the message. When I do a “quick” generate for all sections I get the message.

    I have been doing a lot of model refactoring so I guess thats the issue. I have looked at the section where it seems to stop and can’t find anything obvious


    eadocX Support

    I need a model + doc to have a look. If it doesn’t go away, send to

    Paul Whiston

    I have narrowed it down to a document that is included in two sections – is that not allowed?

    eadocX Support

    Huh? “a document that is included in two sections”
    Do you mean a document WITH two sections ?

    Paul Whiston

    Sorry I narrowed it down to a diagram that is included in two sections

    eadocX Support

    I think there was a problem with that version, where the indexer failed when the same diagrams was in the document in two places.
    I’ll check it’s fixed in 3.3

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