
Home Forums eaDocX queries Documenting Requirements belonging to a Use Case

Home Forums eaDocX queries Documenting Requirements belonging to a Use Case

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  • #6106
    Julie Keyes

    I have a package of use cases that have internal requirements listed against them.

    I am trialling your product and I am trying to get a document that lists the use cases and their requirements.

    To this end I have added a Use Case element to my profile and tried the following:

    I added the “Element Requirement Summary” attribute (from the summary attributes) but nothing appeared in my doc – what is this suppose to do?
    I added the “Element Requirements” attribute under sub-elements (which then added the “Element Requirement” element to my profile) but nothing appeared in my doc – what is this supposed to do?

    eadocX Support

    Which eaDocX Version are you using?
    What you are doing is correct. There are two ways to print the Internal Requirements of a Use Case:
    1 – Add a sub-element called ‘Element Requirements’. If you have not already defined some a Profile for Element Requirements, then eaDocX will privide some initial defaults (a table with the name & description)
    2 – Add an attribute of ‘Element Requirements Summary’, and this will print a single comma-delimited list of the Internal requirements.
    I’ve just re-run the test cases for this using eaDocX 3.0.5, and it looks OK.
    Are these Internal Requirements, or requirements whih are connected to the Use Case via relationships? If the latter, then I suggest you create a ‘Quick Document’ using the package which contains the Use Cases, and Quick Document will find all the relationship types which exist in your model, and print hyperlinks to them.

    Julie Keyes

    I am using version

    These are internal requirements.

    I managed to get the “constraints” sub-element working but not the requirements??

    I also managed to get external reqs printed using the relationship links.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by Julie Keyes.
    eadocX Support

    ..should be just the same….
    How about the other question ?

    Julie Keyes

    I answered the other questions above.

    eadocX Support

    Hmmm. This is very odd…
    Could you email a little bit of your model, in XMI format, to, and I’ll have a look. Can’t think what’s happening..

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