
Home Forums eaDocX queries eaDocx error

Home Forums eaDocX queries eaDocx error

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  • #8621
    Test Test

    eaDocx displays this error every time the Quick Document or Insert Section are clicked.

    EA Version: 12.1
    Repository is cloud based.

    eaDocx version: trial

    Please advise.

    eadocX Support

    This looks like a problem with the data which eaDocX is getting back from EA.
    Please can you take a copy of your model, and do an EA ‘Project Integrity check’, so EA can repair the model.
    Then try again

    Test Test

    Thanks for your reply.
    Integrity check has resolved the issues, but the error still displayed.
    Please advise.

    eadocX Support

    If only that fixed all EA problems!
    Please try out eaDocX on a new model, with some simple content. This will tell us whether it’s content in your EA model which eaDocX doesn’t like, or some more generic issue. BTW – we have never ween this issue before, so we suspect that it still may be EA model corruption.
    Another way to fix corruption in EA is to export content to XMI, delete from the model, then re-import form the XMI. This does a great job of making everything clean again.

    Test Test

    After some investigation the error still exists:
    – We have created DB on EA Cloud and import new empty project to model
    – Connect to it
    – Add new package and diagram
    – Select Quick Document from eaDocx on that package
    – The error appears

    Please advise ASAP

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Test Test.
    eadocX Support

    Does the same error occur when the model is a local EAP, or a local DBMS?
    I’m trying to work out whether this is an issue with the environment or the DBMS

    Test Test

    eaDocx works fine with local EA files.
    The issue appears on the EA cloud only (AWS with mysql)

    Test Test

    eaDocx works fine with local EA files.
    The issue appears only with EA cloud (AWS + MySql).

    eadocX Support

    I think I can save you some time here….
    eaDocX makes LOTS and LOTS of calls to EA, so you either need to use eaDocX with an EAP file on the same machine, or a shared EAP file or a FAST DBMS on either a local machine or one VERY near by.
    The one time I tried to use eaDocX with a remote database, I got bored waiting for it to create even a simple document.
    So, don’t even THINK about using eaDocX with an AWS database – WAYYYY too slow.

    Test Test

    Thanks for your reply,
    Please note we are using Sparx Cloud service not direct connect to DB and the performance when using EA connected to cloud model is good.

    eadocX Support

    If you install the EA Cloud server locally, what happens?

    Test Test

    We need it over AWS cloud because we have 3 distributed branches.

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