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Home Forums eaDocX queries eaDocX V4 Testing

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    Hi Ian

    Just installed and started testing the new version.
    The issue I had with OneDrive and document generation has been resolved so thanks for that.

    With such a major change, I was expecting some of the old annoying issues to have been resolved, but maybe its not to late yet.

    Tables need an option to define the caption and the text for the caption. I would suggest Table n and using word style ~Body or something.

    Thats it so far.




    Just hit my first issue.

    Glossary section inserts table brakes by Term Type.

    Also as it did in V3, the table footnote is mall-formed. It remains as $Table$ rather than being replaced by a table number and text.



    Just installed Ver beta

    And the first thing that I notices was the dead space in the areas.

    Please see attached to see the difference.

    eadocX Support

    Oh, that’s very odd. What OS and screen resolution are you using?

    eadocX Support

    I think I understand the requirement, but the challenge we have is that a table could come from lots of sources. It’s just a list of “things” which might be from a package, but also from a report. Anything which adds a caption to tables needs to work in all those cases. We did add the option for a title above each table, but that’s a fixed string.
    So my question is, how would you specify what the table caption would say, so that it covers all types of table? And make it backwards compatible?

    eadocX Support

    I’ll have a look at this. I didn’t test this

    eadocX Support

    Also, please can you submit each issue as a separate thread. Makes it easier to see which answers belong to which questions.


    Hi Ian

    I have had a go at defining this and suggesting a way to do it for comment.


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