
Home Forums eaDocX queries element “Run State”

Home Forums eaDocX queries element “Run State”

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    As it is possible to define the Run State display in a template of an element.
    In the built-in EA generator this option is available to an element (I specified on a screenshot).

    eadocX Support

    Certainly can. It there somewhere, I think as an attribute of an Object.


    Thanks, I found. There was other question.

    I created the class “A”, I added to it the A123 attribute. I created a instance of a class “A” with the name “test”. I established value through “Set run state” in the A123 attribute. Result in an attachment 10.png

    I created the document and in a template for “object” added “Run state variables” sub-elements. I made unloading of section for the test:A element. Result in attachment 11.png

    The question – that needs to be made, that in the table “Run state variables” unloading also “Operator” and “Value” values for each variable?

    Repeate this for “deployment specification” (model 20.png).
    2.1) But in template for “deployment specification” sub-elements “attributes” or “Run state variables” – not avaible (21.png) :blink:
    2.2) How define template/profile for instance of “deployment specification”? It not found in list of avaible element types and not specialize as “object” and common “object” profile not applicated for it.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by jopirx.
    eadocX Support

    1. there is an additional attribute, available only for Objects, which is RunState Variable Summary, which prints the attribute, operator and value, for all the run state variables.

    2. if the <> is also an Object, then you can use the same approach
    If not an object, then what is your <
    > a stereotype of? I thought that only Objects can have run states?
    To create a profile for a <
    >(thing) just go to the ‘profile’ tab in eaDocX and choose ‘add element’. You can create profiles for any element+stereotype, but there has to be an instance of it in your model somewhere.

    Or, do it the easy way, and create an eaDocX “quick document” on the package which contains the elements/objects, and eaDocX will create profiles for all types+stereotypes.


    1. there is an additional attribute, available only for Objects, which is RunState Variable Summary, which prints the attribute, operator and value, for all the run state variables.

    Ok, im see.

    if the <> is also an Object, then you can use the same approach
    If not an object, then what is your <
    > a stereotype of?

    It isn’t my stereotype. :dry: If you create “deployment specificaton instance” by drop “deployment specification” element from project browser with Ctrl – you will get “deployment specification instance” with visual stereotype “deployment specification”. I don’t know what this is in Enterprise Architect information object model.

    I thought that only Objects can have run states?

    Why? Not only “objects” – instances, not only “class” – classifier.
    For example. Deployment specification – are a classifier that define specification for setup parameters for artefact deployment (as list of classifier attributes definitions). Deployment specification instance – are the instance that define values (as run states) for setup parameters for conrete artefact instance deployment.

    To create a profile for a <>(thing) just go to the ‘profile’ tab in eaDocX and choose ‘add element’. You can create profiles for any element+stereotype, but there has to be an instance of it in your model somewhere.

    Ок. But “deployment specification” instance not avaible in list for choose. Instance (element) “deployment specification instance” are exist in model.

    Or, do it the easy way, and create an eaDocX “quick document” on the package which contains the elements/objects, and eaDocX will create profiles for all types+stereotypes.

    Im do test this. eadocx create only one profile for “deployment specification” and applied it as to “deployment specification” model element, as to “deployment specification instance” model element.
    “object” profile was’t created.
    And not avaible also to create profile for “deployment specification” with some stereotype for “deployment specification instance”.


    Good afternoon,

    I will repeat, I not really well know English. At the heart of the text the tool translation. Therefore some phrases, perhaps, will seem to you strange or not clear.

    10 days ago I finished the trial period for eadocx. I needed to make the decision will be – whether our company to buy and use it or not.
    There were questions which are strongly influencing it. And therefore I transferred the decision before I don’t receive final answers at least to the first of them. Within a week of “eaDocX Support” didn’t log in. Ok, everyone happens in life. But here week passed “eaDocX Support” is active, but answers aren’t present. No answers are present, even “we can’t do it”.
    We nevertheless will buy it. But now only in volume of one personal license. It is rather from a hopelessness as a lot of things aren’t clear and clear only that partially this tool will close our requirements in case it is possible to combine it with built in in the EA generator of documents.
    However to consider it seriously and to use as the tool in the processes of design it won’t turn out until feedback of the developer isn’t adequate.
    I assume that other channels of support offered for the users who already bought the license are more effective. We will look. But the buyer still it is necessary to become. While it didn’t happen – everything looks not really beautifully.

    eadocX Support

    Sorry that we did not respond quickly enough for you – i missed your last posting, as we’re in India at the moment, so not getting internet all the time.
    I have looked into this some more, and there is certainly something strange going on with eaDocX and EA DeploymentSpecifications – this is not a part of EA which I know well, so I’m learning as well.
    I will look into it some more when I get back to UK on Monday. If you need more time to evaluate eaDocX, then please email, and we can give you another licence key.

    eadocX Support

    This is a very strange situation, and may be a bug in EA.
    I have submitted a question to the EA forum, and I’m waiting for a reply.
    Please see,30338.0.html


    This is a very strange situation, and may be a bug in EA.
    I have submitted a question to the EA forum, and I’m waiting for a reply.
    Please see,30338.0.html%5B/quote%5D

    EA considers that everything is OK and Object – the legacy concept (literally: “It’s mostly legacy reasons why classes have object instead.”),30338.msg221274.html#msg221274
    Whether I don’t know you will be helped by it, but I have nothing to tell EA in that topic more.

    I think it is necessary to correct in eadocx. In other words Instances not only Objects. As Instances in model of data of EA are identified – I don’t know.

    PS> nevertheless I added a question – whether how to define the element a instance is:,30338.msg221354.html#msg221354

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by jopirx.
    1. What condition of the solution of this problem?
    2. The similar situation is observed with “signals”. From the point of view of EA – a signal in fact the class, so may contain attributes and methods. But in dialogue of a profile of a signal in EADocx attributes / methods aren’t available to the choice neither among standard attributes, nor among “sub-elements”. The choice in “sub-elements” of children option also doesn’t allow to unload attributes/methods in the document.In general is a fundamental problem.
    eadocX Support

    The solution is that I’m still trying to understand the postings in the above Sparx forum thread, which seem to say that Sparx don’t really know how this works, or if they do, they aren’t saying.
    As this issue of Attributes/Operations being available for almost all EA element types (e.g. Use Case – what does a method of a Use Case mean??) then I guess people will use them.
    So, reluctantly, we’re making a change to eaDocX so that any EA element can have attributes or operations. Should be in 3.8.4, which is being tested now.
    Do you think this will solve your problem ?


    So, reluctantly, we’re making a change to eaDocX so that any EA element can have attributes or operations. Should be in 3.8.4, which is being tested now.
    Do you think this will solve your problem ?

    First – no
    Second – yes.

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