
Home Forums eaDocX queries Empty section when parameter added to operation

Home Forums eaDocX queries Empty section when parameter added to operation

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  • #6367
    Adrian Mansell

    During my evaluation of eaDocX I have come across the following issue where a section in a document fails to generate when I add a parameter to an operation. It may be my goof up, but I’d appreciate some input.

    I have a .eap / .docx pair as an example, but will not post them here as they contain company sensitive information. Happy to email directly to eaDocX on that basis, however, if you give me an email address.

    The problem occurs when doing the following:

    • Open the model
    • Open the document in eaDocX in the model
    • Do full generate
    • Section in question is derived using a contents only ad-hoc class diagram, each class having a number of methods to be listed. At this point, the section is generated correctly.
    • In the model, browse to one of the classes
    • Open the class and add a new operation to it called “hello” (everything defaulted)
    • Do full generate – API_Definition section will still be OK
    • Now open the hello operation again, click parameter – edit and add a new parameter to it (any name with everything else defaulted)
    • Do full generate – API_Definition section is now empty.

    The trace information when it fails is:

    eaDocX Trace Information

    10/12/2012 17:34:29 – Tracing enabled
    10/12/2012 17:35:17 – Generating Section: API_Definition
    10/12/2012 17:35:18 – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, pxlTlArm
    10/12/2012 17:35:18 – DiagramGenerator>.generateDiagram system error
    10/12/2012 17:35:18 – Failed to insert diagram: Document

    Note that eaDocX does not give a warning when this error occurs which is a concern for larger documents which are frequently updated. It does give a warning if I do a draft generation of “this section only”.



    eadocX Support

    I’ve tried to reproduce the error, but no luck so far.
    Can you export the eaDocX Profile (XML) file and send it to me? I’m just using one of the built-in Profiles, and it will be different from yours.
    If you could send an XML of the little bit of your model (with the confidential bits taken out) to, then I’ll have a much better chance to reproduce the problem.

    eadocX Support

    BTW – I agree with your point about eaDocX not warning you where there’s a serious error in the Generator. I’ll look into fixing this as well.

    Adrian Mansell

    Files sent to support, still waiting…


    Fix in test now….

    Adrian Mansell

    Thanks. I am on vacation until the 2nd Jan, but will be up for testing any patches as soon as I am back.


    Adrian Mansell

    Any update on the fix for this?



    eadocX Support

    Oh yes!
    The fix will be a release which I’ll be putting onto the website later today – just doing a few other fixes at the same time…It will be

    Adrian Mansell

    Apologies for the delay, but I have now downloaded and can confirm it fixes the empty section problem with this document.


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