
Home Forums eaDocX queries Empty Sub-elements

Home Forums eaDocX queries Empty Sub-elements

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  • #7396

    Hi All

    When printing sub-elements, for example Constraints or Scenarios, if none have been defined eaDocX prints


    I have tried changing this by using a Conditional Formatting rule [ Text same as (none) ] and [ Empty ], but to no effect, eaDocX still prints (none)

    Is there a way to change the output for an empty sub-element collection from (none) to something user-defined?

    All the best

    eadocX Support

    Have you tried using the ‘Compact Document’ option? Does this still happen ?


    The Compact Document option certainly removes the empty constraints etc, nothing appears at all for empty constraints etc.

    However what I was after is an indication that a set of data is missing from the model. So rather than output


    I would like to output

    No Constraints Defined!

    similarly for other empty sub element collections

    Hmm, maybe a change to try the new scripting option in the new beta?

    eadocX Support

    Ah – I think I see what you need. In most other cases, when there’s an empty condition, we allow some other default string to be printed – looks like we missed one….I’ll have a look.
    OK – there is a new Application setting to define what to print where no sub-elements are present. It is not specific to the kind of sub-element which is not present, as that is national-language dependent, so we can’t pick up the sub-element type from EA. So its a fixed string.
    New feature will be in 3.4 Beta 2, when that is available.

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