
Home Forums eaDocX queries Error/Bug trying to create an element report table

Home Forums eaDocX queries Error/Bug trying to create an element report table

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  • #8752

    When I try and create an element report and select define custom format options and click the button table, I get ‘Unhandled exception error’

    I’ve tried creating a new document, different element types etc… and all give the same error. If select inline this works as expected.

    Using Sparx 13 latest build, and eaDocx

    ps Just tried it with Sparx 12.1 last build, same error.

    eadocX Support

    A bug indeed. I have fixed, but I seem to have broken the internet this evening – I’ll try to upload the new version later on. It will be
    Sorry for the inconvenience.


    That’s ok, happens to the best of us. Impressed you managed to break the internet – BT in the UK usually that for me.

    eadocX Support

    So not only do I seem to have fixed the whole interweb whilst I was asleep, there is also now a fix for this error – my bad. I was doing some prep work ready for eaDocX V4, and released the wrong bit.
    Fix is in now on the website – sorry for the inconvenience.

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