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Home Forums eaDocX queries Error on profile load: DGFormatSetting tableTitle

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    at the company that I work for we would like to update our old EA-EaDocx working environment to the latest versions, that means that we use a profile XML in EaDocx 3.9 and we would like to use the same features (ideally the same profile) in EaDocx 4.3 (or even 5.0).

    During this process, we found a very strange error regarding the table titles of GUIElement (we use table formatting to print GUI elements into the documentation):

    1. In the first picture (guielement_table_title_bug_screenshot.PNG) you can see the configuration we use on GUIElements in the eadocx profile settings’ appropriate window (“Mezők a képernyőn” means “Input fields in the screen”)
      This setting is saved to the xml profile like this:
      “GUIElement” “False” “False”
      “False” “False” “Mezők a képernyőn”
    2. We use similar settings to GUIElements that have the WireframeButton stereotype, this can be seen in the second picture (button_table_title_bug_screenshot.PNG). Then it is saved to the xml profile like this:
      “WireframeButton” “False” “False”
      “False” “False” “Gombok a képernyőn”
    3. These settings work fine in EaDocx 3.9, but they cannot be loaded to EaDocx 4.3 (or even 4.2, 4.1, 5.0 – we also tried these versions): see the third picture (failed_to_load_xml.PNG – trace output is on the picture)
    4. If the above mentioned lines are deleted from the xml, the profile loads perfectly. After if you set the table title in the profile setting window (as shown on the first two pictures) and you save the document, it cannot be opened again, and if you save the profile you cannot load the saved xml profile into a new document (you always get the error).

    Lastly, I attached the following:

    • example_ulyssys.EAP – test eap model file
    • example_ulyssys.docx – test docx
    • screen_profile.xml – small test profile (part of the full)
    • full_profile.xml – full profile

    Can you help us to use this functionality, or can you fix EaDocx regarding this error?


    For some reason the eap, and the two xml profile couldn’t be uploaded (at least these aren’t shown in my post now), so I share them here:


    We contacted the support and this problem is solved in EADOCX v5.0.2.15.

    Thank you very much for the fix!

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