
Home Forums eaDocX queries Excel as Word table

Home Forums eaDocX queries Excel as Word table

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  • #7086
    Jozsef Bedocs, Jr.

    We currently export information to Excel where calculations can be made. An excel macro is manually run to format the worksheet. Then we copy the cells and paste them into Word as a table.
    Do you have a suggestion for a more efficient approach?

    eadocX Support

    I certainly do!
    If you have eaDocX Corporate Edition, then you can directly embed Excel named ranges or named charts into a word document.
    Each time you generate the document, eaDocX will then update the excel spreadsheet(s) and optionally run a named macro, which you can use to do the calculations.
    Have a look at the Help, and the examples on the website.
    Yours is exactly the use case this was designed for!

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