
Home Forums eaDocX queries Hyperlinks from UC scenario description issue

Home Forums eaDocX queries Hyperlinks from UC scenario description issue

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  • #6249
    Juraj Bezdek

    Some hyperlinks from element notes gets into final documetn and some not…
    I don’t see any clue why.

    I don’t use structured scenario. I put all the text in to scenario Description. I link mentioned (Included) UseCases in that scenario.
    In final document some hyperlinks are OK, and some text (which was marked as hyperlink in EA and in EA is corectly shown as hyperlink) is printed in final document as plain text.

    Any idea?

    Here is example where hyperlink doesn’t work:

    (I had had the similan situation in this particular UC , but the first link was OK – I don’t know what changet, now any of links in this scenario description does not print corectly)

    I tried to re-set these hyperlinks … but I could not get them to print corectly.

    eadocX Support

    Please can you email a little piece of your model to, and I’ll have a look. Adding hyperlinks in this way isn’t something we’ve seen before, so not surprised it’s a bit odd.

    Juraj Bezdek

    Sorry for that, it was my fault. I didn’t notice that these UseCases wasn’t included into my document. In RTF generation EA print these link even though. I was used to these links, so I didn’t check this .
    (Actualy I was using this “feature” … they didn’t work, but only until i finalized whole document and paste there elements from another RTF generated document)

    You obviously clean these links.

    But another question comes with this. Why (or how) can’t I print “nested UseCases” ? I meen one UseCase is “under” another in project browser.
    (As a matter of fact this is the reason why these UseCases wasn’t included into my document)

    eadocX Support

    You can print ‘nested use cases’, though I personally never use them – not sure what it means for one use case to be ‘inside’ another.
    Just get use cases to print their Children.

    Juraj Bezdek


    … I used UC hierarchy with auto-level numbering…. to get something like this:

    UC1 – Base UseCase
    UC1.1 – Derived UseCase 1
    UC1.2 – Derived UseCase 2

    … in RTF gerenation I user this level to put IDs to them…

    … I suppose there is no option to do this in eaDocx… (Because there is no way to put some static string before prefix)…
    (I am not asking this as a feature… EA should have usable Auto name counters… but it haven’t )

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