
Home Forums eaDocX queries License Failing

Home Forums eaDocX queries License Failing

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  • #8052
    Issam KACEMI

    I have a blocking issue with EadocX. The tool can no more be used by our team after an IT update of .NET
    I use the following versions of the tools :

    EA version 11.10.1107
    EaDocX version
    .NET 4 Extended
    Word : 2007 SP3

    Is there any way to set the license without using the interface “eaDocX License Information”.
    The information set previosly key license and server name were lost and when I enter these information I get an error message box:
    – title of the
    message pop : Failed to validate Key
    – Text of the message box : Caractere non valide dans une chaine Base 64″

    eadocX Support

    There are a number of forum postings about this error, which seems to have happened after an update to your environment.
    We suggest that if you wish to use floating licences, you run the Licence Server Application on a physical not a virtual server. The LSA seems not to like some flavors of virtual server. As there are so many, in so many different operating environments, we are not able to test all possibilities.
    If you are unable to resolve this issue, then eaDocX offers a free exchange of floating licences for fixed ones: 1 floating for 3 fixed.

    Issam KACEMI

    Thank you for your quick answer. Just some additional information :
    – We didn’t do any change to EA version nor EAdocx version.
    – We use already a physical license server.
    – We will not be able to use fixed licenses.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Issam KACEMI.
    eadocX Support

    Do you know what changes were made to your environment to make this happen? If we knew that, we could construct a test case.

    Issam KACEMI

    It is only some security updates :
    – On local machines for .Net 4 framework and for Office. The machine are using Windows 7 Pro SP1 64 bits.
    – On server for Windows Server 2003. The server is with Windows Server 2003 SP2

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Issam KACEMI.
    eadocX Support

    Are you sure all the security settings are exactly the same as before? And filewalls?

    Issam KACEMI

    I did a simple test : I generate an LSA for the same local machine where I installed EaDocx, it works for me on the local machine.
    I am checking with the IT the firewall changes.
    Which firewall feature could impact EaDocx LSA ? All other license managers that we have on the same server (FlexLM, RepriseLM) are working correctly.

    eadocX Support

    I’m not much help with firewalls: its all Dark Magic to me. Best to do what you are doing: make it work on one machine, then make small changes, and see where it stops working.

    Issam KACEMI

    I checked with our IT. We were using a virtual not physical server. We did a test on a physical server and it works fine. So we will keep this solution unless there is a way to make it work on virtual server.
    There is a point I can’t understand : It worked fine for one year on the virtual server with no problem, why does it stop working now ?

    eadocX Support

    Ah – If I knew that, I’d sleep better!
    We’re looking into what might be a permanent fix to this, but we need to make sure that no existing users are impacted, so it takes a lot of testing. I will update this posting if have a permanent solution.

    Charles Wu

    Any updates of solution to install floating license on virtual servers? We are currently switching from fixed license to floating license. LSA was installed on a virtual server, we have no success to activate eaDocx. Keep getting error message ’invalid character in a base-64 string’. The Get Activation Data /stats/stats.aspx normally shows the remaining activations and 0 used activations. Thanks!

    eadocX Support

    We have decided that the medium-long term solution to this is to move away from our own Licence Server to using the Sparx one, now that Sparx have created a public API for us. But we have no timescale on when that will be implemented. Sorry

    Mike Lucas

    eaDocX has stopped working in our corporate network environment as of yesterday with the same kind of error. Are there any updates on solutions or is it still a case of moving from virtual to physical for licence server hosting to see if that works?

    eadocX Support

    Still investigating the use of the Sparx Licence Server API, but it totally changes how eaDocX shares licences – every user who starts EA would, if we use the Sparx Licence Server, check-out a licence, and keep it for as long as EA was running, even if the user isn’t using eaDocX at all! Clearly a big change.
    Other than that, we suggest trying other virtual or real servers, to find one which works. We are no nearer finding out why this happens.

    Mike Lucas

    Thanks for the prompt response.

    Changing the licence model to check out licences when EA starts up doesn’t sound so good. Looks like sparx needs to give some thought to improving the support for extensions in their licence server API.

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