
Home Forums eaDocX queries mangled URLs in Description/Notes?

Home Forums eaDocX queries mangled URLs in Description/Notes?

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  • #6777
    Ken Norcross

    We use hyperlinks out to web addresses (internal sharepoint documents) in the Description/Notes field of various elements in the model. The hyperlinks work in Sparx, but when the Description/Notes field is generated into a document by eaDocX, the hyperlink gets mangled a bit and no longer works.

    For example, if a link to Google is put into the text in the Description/Notes field, using the sparx hyperlink button in the small toolbar at the top of the Notes editor, when that text is generated into a word document the link becomes:


    Is there a trick to getting this to work?

    eadocX Support

    The ‘trick’ is to get me to write the bit of code which generates it properly!
    This just got missed-off from the list of ‘useful links which can appear in the Notes field’.
    I have fixed this in version

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by eadocX Support. Reason: incorrect version
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