
Home Forums eaDocX queries Memory Exception on generating Full document

Home Forums eaDocX queries Memory Exception on generating Full document

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  • #6755
    Heather Wallace

    This is a problem I had several versions ago, which disappeared at some point but has now firmly reestablished itself. When I try to generate a (any) full document I get a SystemAccessViolationException – the error blurb suggests it is related to the CrossRefHelper. I can generate draf sections successfully, but this is not always sufficient.

    I seem to recall an earlier posting saying that this was a known problem that was being addressed. I assumed it had when it disappeared at a particular upgrade. I’m afraid I didn’t keep a record of the versions involved.


    eadocX Support

    Hi Heather,
    This does seem to have returned. The error is coming from our call to a standard Word function (using find/replace), and due to the nature of the error, is hard to trap and handle – even Microsoft are clearly not expecting this one!
    One question: has you machine recently had any maintenance applied to Office ? I’m wondering if this is the cause ?

    Heather Wallace

    Since late February I’ve only been an occasional user of eaDocX with Word, so it’s quite hard to remember what worked when. I had a complete rebuild of my laptop in April, including a fresh install of Office 2007. I think the Full generate was working then, but I wouldn’t swear to it.

    Control panel shows me that there has been an update for Microsoft Office Word 2007 (KB974631). It doesn’t say when. I don’t know if this helps?


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