
Home Forums eaDocX queries [Most wanted] Custom elements sorting

Home Forums eaDocX queries [Most wanted] Custom elements sorting

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    It would be great if one could manually set the order of elements to be generated in the document.
    I envision this as a up-down button pair that could move elements within the document section strucuture.
    The idea is that the user could visually set the order of elements and in effect the same order would be reflected in the generated document.

    eadocX Support

    This would be a great feature, and it’s one which we’ve thought about quite a bit.
    The difficulty is where to specify the order of items in a package (or the order of packages), when the contents may increase or decrease between generations. So, if each item had a ‘TreePos’ (the name of the absolute tree position in EA) then when happens when items get added?
    This is why we have gone for a simpler sorting approach.
    BUT – help is at hand!
    If you want to specify the order explicitly, but don’t want to change the sequence in EA, just create a ‘Favorites’ folder in EA Model Views, then get eaDocX to print the Favorites folder: eaDocX will print them in the right order, which you can set in EA Model Views. Its does mean that if you add new items, you’ll have to remember to add them to the Favorites list, but it’s a start.

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