
Home Forums eaDocX queries Multiple tables – output differs but same profile

Home Forums eaDocX queries Multiple tables – output differs but same profile

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  • #8256
    Jeff Parkhouse


    We have come up with a bizarre issue when printing multiple tables but using the same profile.

    The situation:
    a) We have several packages containing requirements (they are non-functional requirements). For example:
    NFR (package)
    -Performance (package)
    –Hardware and Operating System(package)
    —NFRCAP1 User load (requirement element, “non-functional” stereotype)
    —NFRCAP2 Throuput (requirement element, “non-functional” stereotype)
    –Response Times (package)
    —NFRINT1 System Interfaces (requirement element, “non-functional” stereotype)
    b) We create a single profile for the “requirement” element with 4 columns (alias, name, description and priority). Output is a table.
    c) An eaDocX section is created for the NFR package and child packages mentioned above.

    What we get is:
    Within MS Word we get 2 different types of table
    The overall width of the tables are the same
    However the width of the columns differs between them even when they use the same profile!!
    This is repeated in several tables.

    What we have tried:
    a) We have created a new profile for the requirement element for the stereotype of “Non-functional”. What this did was move the problem to one package below!
    b) Made sure that the stereotypes were all identical. There are no blank white spaces anywhere, etc.
    c) Tried changing stereotypes for some requirements. Same problem.
    d) Upgraded to Same problem.

    See attached screenshots.

    Help please.

    Jeff and Mike

    eadocX Support

    Hi Jeff,
    There’s a know issue with Word ‘helping’ by re-sizing columns in tables, so that’s my first guess.
    If you could send me the document and an XMI of JUST the bit of your model where these elements are located, I will try to reproduce & investigate.

    eadocX Support

    I loaded up your example, and re-generated it all, and eaDocX is generating exactly the same HTML for all the tables, in terms of the requested table size. If I re-generate it with just fragments of a few tables, then they all line up perfectly. I can only put this own to Word ‘helping’.
    Sorry I can’t be more help 

    Jeff Parkhouse

    Hi Ian

    How bizzarre! Thank you for looking though.


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