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Home Forums eaDocX queries Opening a Word document

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  • #20577
    Han van Roosmalen

    eaDocX provides three possibilities to open a Word document:

    New Word Document
    Open Word Document
    and Recent Word Document

    They all three work as expected, well no. With the second option there is no dialogue for file selection popping up, so I have to go through Word and open the document from there. That works (kinda) but Word continues in a seperate window, which looks a bit silly. And most annoying of all, the document generation provides me with an error.

    Latest version of eaDocX, Word, EA and Windows 11.

    Han van Roosmalen

    Very weird things happen when I first select New Word Document and then Open Word Document. I cannot explain what I see then.

    Ian Mitchell

    I have traced this back to an error in the EA API.
    When I open a document using ‘recent documents’, it opens correctly.
    When I next choose the ‘open document’, Ea tells me that I have again chosen the previous option ‘Open Recent document + file name’.
    ..but the error is not predictable: sometimes I get given the correct menu option by EA, sometimes not.
    So no fix for this, sorry.

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