
Home Forums eaDocX queries Option to suspend reload?

Home Forums eaDocX queries Option to suspend reload?

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by Uwe.
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  • #8274

    Hi all,
    does anyone know, whether there is any option or workaround to allow doing some changes without reloading stuff?

    What I am trying to do: I have a document almost ready and now have to change some diagram options and exclude some parts as fine tuning after document review. Unfortunately I have to work sometimes using a rather slow connection to the repository. What happens now is I open the doc (slow) navigate through the tree (very slow) to a diagram then change diagram option and have to wait a very long period during which I can see a lot of network traffic. As the next step for me will be to do the same for another diagram I think I wouldn’t need this refresh at all and I’d like to suspend it, do some changes and then refresh again.

    Any way to achieve this?

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