
Home Forums eaDocX queries Pre-conditions and Post-conditions

Home Forums eaDocX queries Pre-conditions and Post-conditions

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    I am attempting to including Pre and Post conditions in a Use Case Profile for which I am using Horizontal in-line tables

    I can add the Pre-condition and Post-condition with no problem

    However when I attempt to change the profile for Pre and Post conditions I discover there is no profile for them so I modified the Constraint profile using the same Horizontal in line format as used in my use case profile.

    What I expect, is when the pre and post conditions are output, my profile for Constraints would be used, thus marinating a contiguous horizontal in line table for all my selected use case data.

    What I get, is the pre and post conditions are output using some form of default in-line style (no tables) and includes the constraint name as a header style, thus making the output look very messy.

    Is what I am attempting possible? Am I missing something?


    Correction to above post in my profiles I am using in-line VERTICAL tables not horizontal as stated in the post

    eadocX Support

    Hi Phil,
    You’re correct that pre- and post-conditions are printed using the Profile for ‘Constraints’.
    Can you send me an example of what you’d like your use cases to look like?
    Also, have you found the extra attributes at the bottom of the list for ‘Use Cases’, which are ‘pre-‘ and ‘post-condition summary’? These might give you some more options.


    Thanks for your response, I will send you what I am seeking to achieve, I will prepare an example to illustrate this.

    The pre-condition and post-condition summary do output pretty much what I want so thanks for that, like EA eaDocX is just full of hidden gems 🙂

    eadocX Support

    I think I need to work on ways to un-hide them!

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