
Home Forums eaDocX queries Printing a Matrix in EADOCx

Home Forums eaDocX queries Printing a Matrix in EADOCx

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  • #9080
    Mike Blackwell

    If you create a Relationship Matrix and insert the Matrix Report into a document you are able to define the (General tab) “Report Heading Level” and the Sort Order of the Source and Target Elements using the “Order rows by attribute” option on each tab. This works fine for all of the time that you have the EA model open and the EADOCx document open. If you close the document and reopen it in EA, the Report heading Level has returned to its default (2) and the sort orders have disappeared and you have to redefine it.

    This is a real pain.

    Is there a way of getting this to work.

    I am using EA 14.1.1427 and EADOCx

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