
Home Forums eaDocX queries Printing Tagged Values

Home Forums eaDocX queries Printing Tagged Values

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  • #5902
    Dries Gerryts

    I have more than 1 tag for some elements. The tagged values seems to print randomly. Some print, others dont but there does not seem to be a pattern.

    The attached files contains an extract of the report and a screen pring of one of the rowes in the table to prove the point.

    The values that print seem to be those added at the instances level for the nodes in question. The inhirited values are the missing ones.

    eadocX Support

    I can’t reproduce this error. Did you notice that eaDocX will only let you print Tagged Values where a TV exists in your model, for the element you’re printing? So, if you give a TV of ‘wibble’ to a UseCase, you can only print the ‘wibble’ tagged value for a Requirement when there is at least one Requirement whihc has the ‘wibble’ tagged value.
    I wonder if that’s part of the problem?

    Dries Gerryts

    I attach the node element in question. It contains both instance and class level TV’s.

    The attached document also contains the profile definition for the element as well as the result of the generation.

    You will notice that the class level TV’s does not print. Note I set the default value when no data is present to spaces.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by Dries Gerryts. Reason: To ensure that the attachment is included.
    eadocX Support

    Fixed in new version now on

    Thanks for spotting this!

    Dries Gerryts

    It works now. Thanks.

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