
Home Forums eaDocX queries Scripting and Word 2013

Home Forums eaDocX queries Scripting and Word 2013

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    Hi Guys

    Can anyone confirm (or deny) that the new scripting feature in Beta version works with Word 2013?

    Cannot seem to get any script to work, keep getting the “Cannot generate document error” message. The scripts seem to work on other version of Word however.

    Would like to know, so that I may have to re-install a previous version of Office

    Much appreciated

    eadocX Support

    I confess that I haven’t tested it with Office 2013, but I will do this when I get home at the weekend.
    can’t see why the Office version should be a problem: we just pick up the text of the script from EA, then run it it outside of EA (I think), then just get the resulting HTML and put it into the Word document along with the rest of the eaDocX-generated stuff.
    …but I’ll have a look.

    Helmut Ortmann


    I’ve the same problem.


    Any update on this apparent incompatibility between the new scripting feature and Word 2013?

    eadocX Support

    Developers out in India have tried it, and they say it works in their environment, so it looks like another of these nasty setup-specific issues. I will continue to investigate.


    Thanks for the update, is there any specific areas in the setup that I should look for? Is the likely cause due to the script call being blocked or something else.

    The error message received does not really many clues as where to look.

    I have tried running EA as Administrator, but that had no effect

    I have tried the basic APITest script, but alas the same cannot generate document error.

    All the best



    As a follow up I have tried the scripting with Full Tracing and the error is

    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file or assembly ….

    File name: Interop.MSSCriptControl, Version …

    at eaDocXAddin.EAScript.runUsing(…

    Does this help track down the issue and offer a solution?

    All the best

    eadocX Support

    Ah – that gives me MUCH more to go on…

    Barnaby Twyford


    Just to let you know that version fixed my Word 2013 issues, thanks 🙂

    As a follow up is it possible to apply a word style to a table (as is possible for a normally formatted table).

    I am using the xTableHead and xTableBody styles in my HTML and although it is applying the correct font it is not picking up the table style, which adds shading and reapting the first row on each page.


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