
Home Forums eaDocX queries Selective Reporting of Class Attributes

Home Forums eaDocX queries Selective Reporting of Class Attributes

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  • #9107
    Tom Tomasovic


    I hope I can explain clearly what I am trying to do.

    I would like to link and report on class attributes related to use cases.

    I have tried to directly link specific attributes to the use cases, but that does not seem to be possible in EA (I can only link the element).

    In a recent web tutorial, this idea was addressed by adding the element to a diagram and selecting which specific attributes would appear. While that works “perfectly” in the diagram, I can’t figure out how to replicate this behavior in a document extract. Note that I do NOT want to add an instance of the element to the diagram/package (i.e., create a new object).

    I can identify the specific relationships via the notes or tags on the attribute (although that might get complicated), but I just don’t seem to be able to filter on the attributes when generating a document.

    Can anyone advise/assist?



    eadocX Support

    I remember looking at this a few years ago, but the code doesn’t seem to have made it into the current release.
    Did you do the filtering using EA Diagram Filters? I sort-of remember some other way of restricting class attributes in a class diagram, but I can’t find it in v13.

    Tom Tomasovic

    I can filter the displays in the diagrams fine, but I don’t see a way to filter the Word extracts (or Excel, for that matter). Should be a way to do it with “searches”, but I haven’t put that together, either. The SQL functionality of EA (Query Builder) is not the best.

    eadocX Support

    Are you doing this with Diagram Filters, or with the Feature and Compartment Visibility function ?

    Tom Tomasovic

    Feature and Compartment Visibility. Have to look at Diagram Filters. Not terribly familiar with them. Will check to see if that makes a difference.



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