
Home Forums eaDocX queries Sorting options for a diagram content

Home Forums eaDocX queries Sorting options for a diagram content

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  • #8400
    Guillaume Finance


    I’m trying to generate details of classes displayed in a diagram in Word.
    Having enabled “Diagram and all contents” option, I noticed that the order appears somehow random. Is there any option to sort at least elements by name? Since I can have elements from various packages, it cannot use the tree position values.

    Note that I’m testing the scripting profile so it would be ideal to receive the list of GUIDS where elements have already been sorted alphabetically.

    I noticed a few minor bugs:
    – typo on the menu Insert > Section > Curent Selection (missing an r)
    – when I change the associated script in a profile, it doesn’t save properly (I have to run it several times and close the doc to eventually update ok).

    Guillaume Finance

    Note that I tried to sort elements from the array of guids received.
    I have a Sort Dictionary VB function that worked well for other scripts, yet it generates an error message.

    Here is an extract of my script :

    !INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-VBScriptsub SortDictionary (objDict)
    ‘ constants
    Const dictKey = 1
    Const dictItem = 2
    ‘ variables
    Dim strDict()
    Dim objKey
    Dim strKey,strItem
    Dim X,Y,Z
    ‘ get the dictionary count
    Z = objDict.Count
    ‘ sorting needs more than one item
    If Z > 1 Then
    ‘ create an array to store dictionary information
    ReDim strDict(Z,2)
    X = 0
    ‘ populate the string array
    For Each objKey In objDict
    strDict(X,dictKey) = CStr(objKey)
    strDict(X,dictItem) = CStr(objDict(objKey))
    X = X + 1
    ‘ perform a a shell sort of the string array
    For X = 0 To (Z – 2)
    For Y = X To (Z – 1)
    If StrComp(strDict(X,1),strDict(Y,1),vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
    strKey = strDict(X,dictKey)
    strItem = strDict(X,dictItem)
    strDict(X,dictKey) = strDict(Y,dictKey)
    strDict(X,dictItem) = strDict(Y,dictItem)
    strDict(Y,dictKey) = strKey
    strDict(Y,dictItem) = strItem
    End If
    ‘ erase the contents of the dictionary object
    ‘ repopulate the dictionary with the sorted information
    For X = 0 To (Z – 1)
    objDict.Add strDict(X,dictKey), strDict(X,dictItem)
    end if
    end sub

    function exporteaDocX
    ELEMGUIDS = ElementGuid.ToString()
    ‘slit them up into individual GUIDs for processing below
    Guids = Split(ELEMGUIDS , “,”)
    dim diagElements
    set diagElements = CreateObject( “Scripting.Dictionary” )
    dim theElement as EA.Element
    dim theAttribute as EA.Attribute

    For i = LBound(Guids) to UBound(Guids) ‘ do this for each GUID in the list
    set theElement = Repository.GetElementByGuid(Guids(i))
    diagElements.Add theElement.Name, theElement.ElementGUID
    SortDictionary diagElements
    dim outputHTML…

    Guillaume Finance

    I’m happy to report that I found a solution and got my script to work.
    I need to carry additional tests and will share results once possible.

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