
Home Forums eaDocX queries Style Override

Home Forums eaDocX queries Style Override

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  • #9158
    Tom Tomasovic


    I have a funky issue with style overrides. I’m wondering if it has something to do with eaDocX or Word.

    I have created a profile for a stereotype of the Artifact element. I have added the Name and the Description as inline styles, and I have overridden the styles with two styles I created, roundbullet1 and roundbullet2. RB2 is simply an indented bullet (based on RB1).

    When I generate my document, the Name field generates perfectly as RB1, but the Description text reverts to “Normal.”

    I thought this might have to do with the fact that the Name is a single sentence/paragraph, while the Description can be 0 or more sentences/paragraphs/bulleted items.

    It seems no matter what I do, the Description is rendered with no formatting (not even Normal). If I delete the style override (on the Description), the text is printed in “Normal” (but any bullets added in the Notes/Description) are lost.

    I am at a complete loss for how to address this, and it is a critical component to our continued use of the product!

    Any advice or assistance would be sincerely appreciated!!



    P.S. I HATE feeling incompetent!!!!!

    eadocX Support

    The whole style-override mechanism if very fragile – it uses some bits of the Word API which I’m fairly sure never got tested, as they deliver contently inconsistent results.
    If I were you, I’d find a way to work around this, and avoid style-overrides completely.

    Tom Tomasovic

    In this particular case, there seems to be an issue with the formatting, independent of any style overrides.

    Given several issues with document formatting, it looks like we can’t really use eaDocX for at least one of the documents we want to generate. Given other issues (related to Issues and Tasks covered in other posts), other potential uses are also questionable.

    Overall, not a promising prospect!



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