
Home Forums eaDocX queries Table layout – merged cells

Home Forums eaDocX queries Table layout – merged cells

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    I’d like to generate the table layout as seen in the attached file.
    This layout is currently generated by the EA internal document generator and chosen for its compact size.
    It seeems that the Profile setup of eaDocx doesn’t allow for that.

    Can you give me a hint here?


    eadocX Support

    Can’t print it exactly that way.
    You could try using the inline tables function, which allows for tables of different shapes & sizes.
    A horizontal inline table would get close: it has the name of the attributes on the top line, then the value of each attribute below.

    We have always avoided merging table cells, which is I think what you want. It just makes the eaDocX user interface really complicated, and there’s enough stuff there already. It’s what allows eaDocX the generate Quick Documents which look reasonable.


    Thanks for the quick reply. Looks like my layout has to change a bit…

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