
Home Forums eaDocX queries Tagged Value output in Multi-Hop Relationship

Home Forums eaDocX queries Tagged Value output in Multi-Hop Relationship

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  • #9184
    David Berke

    When creating a multi-hop relationship and printing the tagged value in the output, the tagged value selection list is displaying the fields associated with the starting element of the relationship rather than the fields of the final element in the multi-hop relationship.

    For example I am defining a multi-hop from element A to B and then B to C. I am expecting to see the tagged values for element C selectable from the Tagged Value drop down when specifying what to print, but instead the list is populated with the tagged values for element A.

    Is this a known issue and is there a workaround?

    eadocX Support

    This was not a known issue – bit it’s known now! Thanks
    I will fix in V4, which I’m currently testing. No estimate for completion – it’s complete when the quality is good enough for you all to use!

    David Berke

    This fix seems to have regressed in version
    Can you confirm if this correct please?

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