
Home Forums eaDocX queries Trouble Hiding Section Marks

Home Forums eaDocX queries Trouble Hiding Section Marks

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  • #6272

    I’m following the instructions for hiding section marks, as explained on pg. 79 & 80 of the User Guide. I ‘m hiding the selection marks, and the marks go away. I then save the word document. When I reopen the doc (inside or outside of eaDocX), the section marks are always re-appearing. What can I do to get them to not display? I’m using version

    eadocX Support

    Not sure this is a version-specific problem, but you should probably upgrade to V3.something anyway.
    I tried opening the Word document outside of eaDocX, then un-ticked Word Options | Display | Show hidden text.
    This seems to get respected, even when eaDocX opens & re-generates the documents.
    We always make the hidden bookmarks visible, as that avoids people trying to add sections inside other sections.

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