
Home Forums eaDocX queries Unable to sort a referenced column in table

Home Forums eaDocX queries Unable to sort a referenced column in table

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    Cheng Soon Goh

    I am trying to sort a column in a table in ‘component’ profile. The column is derived from the linked element.

    The ‘classification’ column is derived from:

    I want to sort the ‘classification’ column and selected “Name” from the ‘Sort Options’ dialog screen. But no matter which one I picked (2nd or 3rd ‘Name’), it always default to the 2nd ‘Name’. I believe this is a defect.

    My question is, what else can I do to properly sort ‘Classification’ column?

    eadocX Support

    Sorry for my lack of knowledge of EA, but what does it mean when a property is ‘derived’. Does it mean it has a flag which says ‘derived’ or does EA do something clever to derive it? eaDocX only works on data which is actually saved in the database.

    Cheng Soon Goh

    ‘Derived’ is the word I used to describe the column is actually obtained from an attributes of a linked element (see screen shot above).

    Having both “Name”, “Name” in the Sort By Attribute dropdown is confusing. I would have thought eaDocX is smart enough to pick up the “Heading” (which is ‘Classification’ as the attribute name. Now, how would eaDocX knows the selected ‘Name’ is actually refering to the source element’s name or target element’s name?

    eadocX Support

    Ah Ha! I see what you mean, and yes, this is a bug in eaDocX.
    Well, not so much a bug, as something which eaDocX currently doesn’t do at all – allow sorting of columns of related data.
    So, congratulations – you’re about to get a feature named after you 🙂
    Working on it now.

    Ian Smets

    In a similar vain, I have experienced a recent problem in trying to sort on a column containing a hyperlinked attribute (in this case the name of a linked element).

    Ideally the name entries of this linked element (included using “Add Table of attributes”), being my first column in the table, would be both sorted alphabetically and also be hyperlinked to elsewhere in the report. Unfortunately “Name – hyperlinked” doesn’t appear in the list of available Custom sort options.

    In the event I have temporarily worked around this by including the name attribute twice! The first as it is, and used to sort the entries in the table. The next (last column in the example below) to include as a hyperlink:

    I’m afraid I don’t have any evidence as to whether this is a new issue or will be a new feature B) .

    Kind Regards,

    Cheng Soon Goh

    Hi Administrator, can you advise the availability date of this patch? Thanks

    eadocX Support

    New feature which allows for this will be in which will be on the website later today.

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