
Home Forums eaDocX queries Unnecesary caption style generated

Home Forums eaDocX queries Unnecesary caption style generated

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  • #7025
    T.W. van den Berg

    When I generate a document, the following structure is produced for diagrams:

    CaptionFigure CaptionFigure

    I would like to be able to select the style to be used for the image.
    And there is an additional blank line after the the description, causing a lot of empty space in the document. Can the generation of the blank line be suppressed?

    eadocX Support

    You can control the Word Styles used here in eaDocX, Settings and Options….Diagram settings.

    Doug Blake

    And there is an additional blank line after the the description, causing a lot of empty space in the document. Can the generation of the blank line be suppressed?

    There seems to be a blank line output at the end of every section too. This is sometimes enough to create a complete empty page in the middle of a document.

    Heather Wallace

    I’m also having problems with empty lines. Many of my elements include tables of related requirements. There are two or three tables each relating to a different requirement relationship and the tables are generated using the Related Elements function, so that I only have to define a small set of requirements tables that can be reused in different contexts. I get an extra line between the end of teach table and the next table (related elements) heading, and have to remove these from the document after generation.

    If I define the table as relationship attributes instead, the extra line does not appear, but if I want to make a small change to the table I have to do it in several places.

    Although I can see the benefit of the extra line in many cases, it would be great to have the option to suppress it.

    eadocX Support

    OK – I get the picture: you don’t like the blank lines!
    I’ll have a look at all the places where we add an extra line (usually because it makes MOST documents look neater..) and either remove them, or make an option.
    One problem is that sometimes these extra lines are needed. If, for example, you choose to print TWO Relationship Tables, one after the other, then without the extra lines, the tables would stick together and look very strange. The eaDocX Generator is highly modular, and prints each table separately, so one tables doesn’t know it’s followed by another. Hence adding a blank line just to be safe.
    What you you like us to do about this? (clue – re-writing the Generator just for this isn’t an option!)

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by eadocX Support. Reason: additional comments
    Doug Blake

    I think the first thing is to get to know where all the blank lines are.

    After that find out which ones :angry: the customers and provide an option to remove those making customers 🙂 .

    eadocX Support

    And 🙂 customers is what we want !

    T.W. van den Berg

    I suppose you can provide an option to not print an empty line at the end of the table if this is the last table, or to not print an empty line before the table if this is the first table.

    T.W. van den Berg

    This does nto solve my problem.

    The current config is:
    eaDocX Options, Diagram Options, Diagram Styles:
    Diagram Title: CaptionFiguur
    And the three options under Diagram notes: Normal

    I would like to control the style for the diagram image.
    And I would like to have to empty space removed (or an option).

    eadocX Support

    @bergtwvd – try the option for ‘Word Style for diagram picture’. This controls the Word style for the image, and can be used, for example, to centre or right-justify the image, or not have any space below or above the picture.

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