
Home Forums eaDocX queries Unwanted Glossary items

Home Forums eaDocX queries Unwanted Glossary items

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  • #8024
    Mark Elson

    I’ll describe this by example: someone has added the Glossary item CE (as in CE marking) to the project glossary. CE now appears in the glossary of a document where CE is irrelevant and not mentioned. It appears because of the “ce” in the word “sequencer”. I can tell this because that part of “sequencer” is lightly underlined by eaDocX. I checked this in EA itself and it does not make the same mistake: while EA is not case-sensitive it does seem to highlight “whole words” only as being Glossary items, not parts of words. Is there an option in eaDocX to make the glossary token finding whole word only? I’ve had a look but can’t find an option. If there is no option could an option be added or the behaviour be changed to match EA’s?

    Regards, Mark

    eadocX Support

    I have had a couple of attempts to do this, because I agree, it’s a pain.
    Once the dust has settled on the next release (3.8 – due to be published on Monday) I will go back into BAU mode, and look at all these outstanding issues.

    Mark Elson

    That’s great. Thanks very much, Mark

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