
Home Forums eaDocX queries Use tagged values as a prefix in a heading

Home Forums eaDocX queries Use tagged values as a prefix in a heading

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  • #6900
    Marc Hoogerwerf

    Is there a way to use a tagged value as a pre-fix in a heading? I have elements that have a tagged value ID I would like to use in a heading.

    Name: Findable
    ID: SP01

    I’d like to have a heading in my report like this:
    x.y SP01 – Findable

    I could have used EA’s autonaming to make it part of the name, but on some diagrams and in some reports I don’t like to have the SP01 part in the name. That’s why I switched to the tagged value ID

    eadocX Support

    Sounds like a very good requirement, but you’re right, it’s not possible at the moment.
    I will put it on the list for v3.4 – For reference, it’s backlog item #134

    Marc Hoogerwerf


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