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Home Forums eaDocX queries Word API problem

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  • #6242
    David Travis

    Selected extensions>Eadocx>New word doc

    Error message is:

    Error opening Word Document:
    System.InvalidCastException:Unable to cast COM object type ‘Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application’ to interface type ‘Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word._Application’ . This operation failed because etc. etc.

    Not impressed! I’ve downloaded literally scores of apps and this is the only bone thats failed so badly.

    Fails using Quickdocs option as well.

    Note that we have the TRIM extension to MS Word.

    Sorry but I will probably abandon EADocs as a result of this.

    eadocX Support

    Seems like a fairly serious failure – not at all typical of what all our other customers experience.
    What’s this TRIM extension you mention? Might it make a difference to how Word behaves?
    Can you send more details to – such as a little piece of your .EAP file, Word document, and this extension, and we’ll investigate further.

    David Travis

    I created a new ea project
    Ran repair on the eaDocx application
    Added a package with one class diagram and two classes test1 and test2
    Enabled trace and started test

    Test results:
    12/10/2012 2:26:04 PM – Starting test
    12/10/2012 2:26:04 PM – Checking communication with EA via API
    12/10/2012 2:26:04 PM – Contacting current repository: C_DaveEA Reporttest.eap
    12/10/2012 2:26:04 PM – Opening new word Document
    12/10/2012 2:26:04 PM – ERROR – failed to access word application

    I am using word 2007 in a standard government SOE PC

    David Travis

    Tried to upload the xmi file for the ea project, xmi is not a permissable extension!!
    Also, could not copy the trace data into clipboard (copy text to clipboard is in a useless part of the dialogue).
    Are you guys on top of your latest release!!!! or did you outsource it somewhere and not do sufficient QA?

    Sorry to be so critical but I have rarely installed software with so many basic problems, well at least not in the last 10 years anyway.

    eadocX Support

    We have >250 customers in 20 countries.
    This is the first time this problem has occurred.
    Please ask your questions nicely, and we will do our best to help.

    The test results indicate that eaDocX can’t talk to your Word instance. This is impossible for us to test, as we don’t know what your environment is. In order to function, eaDocX needs to talk to both EA and Word, both using their standard APIs – that’s what this test checks for.
    Does your machine setup allow you to talk to the Word API?

    David Travis


    Thanks for your reply.

    Your right, I was overly harsh and opinionated, I aplogise. Guess it was the frustration of seeking a solution to the problem of getting good documentation out of EA, but ending up instead with a new set of problems. I have been using EA for over 10 years and have admired Geoff Sparx’ vision and dedication. So its congratulations aqnd thanks for what you guys are trying to acheive

    Is there an easy way to check why the word API is not responding? I’m trying to hand the problem over to our tech support people.


    eadocX Support

    Just to summarise our offline conversations.
    This looks to be a problem with the installation and/or security settings of you machine.
    You quite rightly ran the Installation Verification test from the eaDocX Help, which fell-over when it tried to talk to Word.
    This means eaDocX can’t talk to Word at all, via the Word API, so eaDocX just can’t work.
    One possibility (which we’ve since discounted) is that you’re using one of the Word products which just downloads bit of Word as you need them. This is fine when the user uses Word via it’s UI, but doesn’t download the API function when eaDocX tries to call it.
    So, it must be some other local security setting which is stopping eaDocX from talking to Word. Which is a shame, as they usually play so nicely together….

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