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  • in reply to: Print/DisplayTagged Value Notes? #6209

    Thanks for the suggestions…we’ll give them a try!

    in reply to: Print/DisplayTagged Value Notes? #6207

    Yep…no suprises :). Any suggestions of how we can document/capture a change that was made to an element (use cases & requirements)? As an example, if we make a change to one step in a use case that contains 12 steps, we’d like to be able to call out exactly what changed – otherwise, the approvers of our requirements (business) cannot easily identify what has changed – they just see an entire use case, and are left guessing at what the change was. We were going to use the Tagged Value notes to capture the change desciption, but since they don’t print, it doesn’t help us too much.

    in reply to: Insert Section from Model Views? #6203

    Great…thanks for the response. I think those options will work out nicely!

    in reply to: Insert Section from Model Views? #6201

    Just to follow up…we were using Model View as a way to filter elements that belong to a particular project (we are using a Tagged Value to assign a project number to an element). Our requirements are not usually documented within a single project package – instead, we are trying to mainting a holistic model of our entire production enviroment, and add to it as time goes on (rather than have our requirments chopped up into a buch of separate project doucments). Using the tagged values allows us to attach a project number to an element, and add notes describing what change was made. Trying to identify elements spread across a huge EA model is a pain in the a$$, which is why we use a Model View to create a filter and only look at elements with Tagged Value = to ‘Project X’. Once our model view is created, we were hoping to just insert elements from the model view right into eaDocX. In the meatime, if you have any other suggestions on how we might be able to accomplish our original intent (pull in a wide array of elements that are scattered throughout multiple packages within a large system model), we’re open to anything!


    in reply to: Insert Section from Model Views? #6200

    Thanks for the quick response!

    in reply to: Insert Section from Model Views? #6198

    Forgot to mention that I’m on version

    in reply to: Unhandled Exception when Inline to Table #6122

    I too am getting thee same error – when trying to switch from inline to table on a UseCase element. I’m using the ‘All elements.xml’ profile. Version

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