Forum Replies Created
Doug Blake
ParticipantThat long line is an arrow that’s been reformatted
Doug Blake
ParticipantNo not quite.
1.1 Package1 -> 1.1.1 Element1
1.1 Package2 -> 1.1.1 Element2
Element1 —trace——-> Eelement2In Package2.docx,
1.1.1 Element2.Name from Element1.LevelNumberHope this makes sense
Doug Blake
ParticipantMaybe a different approach could be used, creating a temporary word doc to hold the preview.
Doug Blake
ParticipantAn eaDocX one. Double click an element in the profile tab.
Doug Blake
ParticipantSo where does this style that calls itself Before: 5pt, After: 5pt come from? Most of the main text is formatted with it. Its based on Normal and only changes the spacing, so if I change font, that sticks.
Doug Blake
ParticipantIn v3.2, there are some differences in how styles are used.
in ALL cases, things like spacing, fount, colour (or color) are as defined in Word.
…which is my way of saying ‘any weird stuff isn’t my fault…‘.I tend not to change the Normal style, as this is a built-in one, which I think is treated slightly differently by Word. I tend to create my own Word styles, based on Normal, but with my own name, and use that style for eaDocX generated documents. I have also noticed that the spacing can change sometimes without my doing anything, but I *think* this doesn’t happen for non-Normal styles.
BTW – in 3.3 we will allow you to use other styles for the Headings, rather than being constrained to the built-in ‘Heading 1’..etc
Since you create your own styles, that seems to be the reason I cant override them. If you used Word standard styles we could do what we want …
Doug Blake
ParticipantHi WST, I just noticed you’d done your bit. Thanks.
Doug Blake
ParticipantThanks Ian, I have since gone berserk adding related elements!!
But this has lead to another (small) issue. If in a profile for an activity for instance, there is no description just the Description header is printed.
If I insert Next Activity formatting, the text (none) is printed after the header text. This isn’t consistent.
Doug Blake
ParticipantIt just so happens, its Windows update day, so a complete reboot and restart of EA later, the problem still exists.
Doug Blake
ParticipantSorry to have been less than precise.
When I initially create the document, the model is scanned to provide default formatting for the elements found. For a BPMN <
>Activity, one of the items a format is provided for is Next Activity. I rather hastily deleted this from the profile and now I dont know how to re-instate it. I thought “remove Activity from the profiles and add it back in” but doing that gives me an empty profile with no Next Activity, hence the feature request. Adding new elements to the profile list should be the same as when you start a new document and the model is scanned. Would save a lot of work.
Doug Blake
ParticipantNow things are worse.
Exported Project Glossary
Copied project
Deleted most of new project
Imported glossary
Created new document
Added Glossary section
Ensured glossary format is Term / Definition in a table
Generate Document
NO GLOSSARYFiles attached -Project + glossary.xml + Document1.doc
Doug Blake
ParticipantSpot on
Doug Blake
ParticipantFrom my point of view, I still cannot vote for anything else. Your new page links to the vote results page for me.
We have it switched to many votes per user, but only one per IP address, to prevent SPAM.
If I always login from the same IP address, which one wins, user or ip address.
Doug Blake
ParticipantI personally would be happy for the glossary items never to be underlined in my output documents since none of them are underlined in the Glossary Table that can be generated. Within the text of the document, the items seem to be randomly underlined so I would prefer consistency. Maybe an option to turn off formatting?
Doug Blake
ParticipantI am not finding it a problem at the moment. Here are my observations
Setting a 3 column table to 400, 80, 70 is nowhere near a page width, and it seems these numbers are used as a minimum. If the text in the 400 column expands to over 400, the column seems to expand so that eventually the table spans the full width of the page. To overcome this I noticed that setting the 400 column to some number greater than would be necessary for a full page width accomplishes a table across the full page with the 400 column using as much space as required.
So I use 800, 80, 70.
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