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eadocX Support
ParticipantSo not only do I seem to have fixed the whole interweb whilst I was asleep, there is also now a fix for this error – my bad. I was doing some prep work ready for eaDocX V4, and released the wrong bit.
Fix is in now on the website – sorry for the inconvenience.eadocX Support
ParticipantA bug indeed. I have fixed, but I seem to have broken the internet this evening – I’ll try to upload the new version later on. It will be
Sorry for the inconvenience.eadocX Support
ParticipantI’ve tried to reproduce this issue, but no success (i.e, it works)
So I created two elements: Requirement1 and Feature1, connected by a Realization connector.
I gave Requirement1 two TVs: TV1 and TV2.
Elsewhere in my model, there are loads of Requirements and Features, with all kinds of TVs.
So when printing Features (in the Feature – table formatting window) I can see all the TVs of Features (but not TV1 and TV2 – they are TVs of a Requirement).
If i choose ‘Add attribute of related element’, and pick ‘Realization’ and ‘Requirement’ in the relevant fields, then in the TV drop below, I get all the TVs of Requirement, which includes TV1 and TV2.What are you doing differently?
eadocX Support
ParticipanteaDocX isn’t reading the tagged value definition – it’s just reading the actual tagged value.
The behavior we now have is that if the TV value = “{aGuid}” then it will print a hyperlink to the element, using the name as the text.
If it finds tv.value=”{aGUID},{bGUID},{cGUID}” then you get 3 links.
You MAY get blanks if the a GUID points to an element with no name.
Oh, and the GUIDs can only point to elements, not attributes, operations or any other EA ‘thing’ which has a GUID.-
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
eadocX Support.
eadocX Support
ParticipantUnder the Help menu, there is an option to Enable Technical Logging.
I’m expecting there to be something about ‘Failed to delete RepositorySetting row” and “Failed to add RepositorySetting row”eadocX Support
ParticipantI think i’ve found the problem – just to confirm it for me, are there any errors in the eaDocX log? If the problem is where i think, there should be two each time you try to save a repository setting. (this is the only setting change which uses SQL: Application settings are saved by Sparx, and Document Settings are saved in the document by eaDocX).
eadocX Support
ParticipantOk – fixed this with a change in, now available on the website.
eadocX Support
ParticipantI’ve just had a look at this, and there is an issue with TVs which are RefGUIList type.
In our tests, it prints the actual GUIDs of the related elements, not hyperlinks. I’ll investigate a fix.eadocX Support
ParticipantWhich version of eaDocX are you using? I thought we moved that ‘update’ check to where eaDocX is first started-up, not at startup of EA.
eadocX Support
ParticipantPlease can you send the Word document to, and I’ll take a look. Also the contents of your EA glossary (Export Reference Data / Project / Project Glossary).
eadocX Support
ParticipantDo you have a Profile for ‘Term’ in your document? If not, create one.
Also, how did you create the ‘Glossary’ section? Best way is to use the insert/glossary option, and that will do everything for you.
Also, don’t rename the Section called ‘Glossary’ – the name is a special one which eaDocX looks for when it comes to creating the glossary – any other name, and it won’t work.eadocX Support
ParticipantHave you tried giving the TV a type of ‘memo’ ? I think this means it can then have multiple lines.
As for EA allowing multiple TVs with the same name, eaDocX assumes this was just and act of madness of EA’s part, and ignores duplicates.
And on a totally separate note, I would never add a TV which had the stakeholder name: I’d always add a connection to a stakeholder element. Then there are loads more tunes you can play. Just a thought.eadocX Support
ParticipantI just tried with a Quick Document, using and the output looked like this:
1.1 Use Case 1
1.1.1 Basic Path:….That’s because the default Profile for Use Cases doesn’t print the ‘scenarios’ as a separate heading, so, if there is not intermediate heading text, eaDocX just has two levels of heading.
If I add the word ‘Scenarios’ to the Profile for UseCases, I then get :1.1 Use Case 1
1.1.1 Scenarios Basic path…Can you have a look at the Profile you’re using? For Use Case AND for Scenario.
eadocX Support
ParticipantI thought I fixed this – i certainly remember looking at it.
Please can you try with the latest version ( Support
ParticipantHi Dina,
I have found and can reproduce this error.
As it’s in one of the Excel methods which deals with Unicode characters (Dark Magic) i’ve had to send it on to Adrian, the Excel genius, otherwise I’ll just make a dogs breakfast of it.
Should have a fix very soon. I’ll also try to make it a ‘repairing’ fix, so that LF chars which have already been added get removed. -
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
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