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eadocX Support
ParticipantLooking at the code, there’s only really one thing whihc can go wrong with this, and that’s when eaDocX creates a file called temp.rtf in your AppData folder, where it saved the linked document.
It then inserts that file into the document, and deletes it.
Maybe you don’t rights to write data to /AppData/ ?eadocX Support
Participant…and you can!
…but it takes a little more thinking.The first requirement of eaDocX is to keep things simple. That’s why there is one Profile for each type, and that applies throughout the document. We have found that this satisfies the majority of requirements.
In the exceptional cases where it doesn’t, there is the option of Element Reports.
This is a report, which prints a list of elements in its own Section (according to various criteria) and which can have its own Profile. So an Element Report can print in tables or inline, have different data printed, and use different conditional formatting or table styles.So it can be different.
On a style note, I don’t doubt that your requirement is real, but pity the poor reader, who sees, say, Requirements presented in one way in one part of the document, then in another way elsewhere. So I suggest using this feature with care. Maybe choose to use similar colors in the two places, to ‘nudge’ the reader that these are just variations of the same thing.
Just a thought….eadocX Support
ParticipantI just re-ran the regression test for this feature, using EA15 and eaDocX 4.1.19, and it checks-out ok.
My steps were:
– check what words are in the EA glossary
– create a package, with some of those words in the description (nice simple test)
– Create an eaDocX Quick Document for that package
– use eaDocX / Insert / Project glossary to add a glossary section
– re-generate the document.
Can you follow these steps, and see what happens please?eadocX Support
ParticipantDoes the document have any content? The glossary will only contain words in the document which are present in the glossary, so an empty document will mean an empty glossary.
Also, which eaDocX version are you using?eadocX Support
ParticipantThis issue has been fixed in V4.1.19, now available.
The missing right-hand border still seems to be an issue with the image which is presented by EA at the API, but if we get the image as a bitmap, not a metafile, then the border appears.
So, in 4.1.19 there is now an option to specify ‘Use a bitmap format when copying diagrams from EA’, which is set in the APPLICATION settings, under ‘Diagram settings’. Please note there are also Document-level diagram settings – this setting is not there.In keeping with normal practice, the default remains as today, but changing to ‘use bitmap..’ will change the setting for all documents you create.
IaneadocX Support
ParticipantSimple answer is the eaDocX has found two Word paragraph styles with the same name in the same document. We were not aware that this was even possible. I’ll add a check in the next version. In the meantime, if you could look at the names of your styles in the document, and check for any duplicates.
ThankseadocX Support
ParticipantHi Martin,
The Help is a bit out of date in that area – I’m updating it at the moment.
Try just creating a Quick Document from a (small) package – that’s the fastets way to get startedeadocX Support
ParticipantNo – eaDocX looks in your Windows registry to find valid DLLs which it can use. And it’s possible they might not be there.
Are you able to download the full desktop version of Office ? eaDocX looks for some DLLs which are only present if you have a full download. The Microsoft Click-to-run option is good at fetching additional bits of Word which you might need whist you are using Word through the normal UI, but eaDocX uses an API DLL to get into Word.eadocX Support
ParticipantI’ve looked into this before, and I think I discovered that there isn’t an easy way to render HTML in an Excel cell. There doesn’t seem to be an Excel format for ‘HTML’
eadocX Support
ParticipantI just tried a simple comma-separated list like:
thing1, thing2
..and that seemed to work.eadocX Support
ParticipantFor the avoidance of doubt, whilst we try to make eaDocX as good as possible, it’s still just me doing all the development. So yes, we have known about this for some time, and we are working on it, but I’ve only a finite amount of time.
eadocX Support
ParticipantWe have tested eaDocX V4 with EA 15, and everything seems to be OK – this is normal for a new EA release, as they are very good at maintaining backwards compatibility.
Note: we do not test older eaDocX versions with new EA releases.
IaneadocX Support
ParticipantIn terms of installing, EA14 is fine with eaDocX v3.
There are a couple of small features of eaDocX V4 which use features of V14, but we check first before trying to use them (saving of documents inside EA elements)eadocX Support
ParticipantWe don’t know of any issues between EA versions, as far as installing eaDocX is concerned.
Where we DO see problems is in upgrading EA, downgrading EA, or other changes to the EA installation which eaDocX is expecting.
If you de-install eaDocX and EA, AND make sure your registry is clean, then start again, this usually gets everything working OK.eadocX Support
ParticipantAdded two new attributes to v4.1.9
– ‘Appears in diagram’ – simple list of names of diagrams where the element appears
– ‘Appears in diagram – hyperlink’ – hyperlink to the diagram in the document. If diagram not present, just prints the name. -
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