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eadocX Support
ParticipantAh – I misunderstood the original post.
Short answer is that I have no data on expectations of performance between 3.3 and 3.4 – I’m working on 3.5, and that’s changed all over the place.
So no help from me, sorry.eadocX Support
ParticipantThis is not possible with native eaDocX, because when the PK/FK attributes are created, they don’t seem to have useful stereotypes. If they did have e.g. <
> stereotypes, then you could just tell eaDocX not to print that stereotype.
There is another way out: use an eaDocX Script.
Tell eaDocX to use a script to print Attributes, then in the script, filter-out the ones you don’t want. A bit messy, but VERY flexible.
There are some sample scripts on the website at Support
ParticipantI was trying to find out your requirement.
Neither is possible.eadocX Support
ParticipantIs the idea to make this a default for ALL documents, or for all sections in a document?
eadocX Support
ParticipantIn the Preview pane, right-click on the Section (the bit with green brackets) and choose Increase or Decrease heading level.
eadocX Support
ParticipantTo make this a fair test, can you run it on the same machine, with just different eaDocX versions?
eadocX Support
I will look again.eadocX Support
ParticipantThis is why I love my job – every day people teach me new stuff!
I’ve never used this bit of EA before, but I’ll have a look. We’re currently in the middle of writing the next eaDocX release, but it’s on the list (backlog item #170) for the ‘other stuff’ part of that release.eadocX Support
ParticipantHow can a class have a run states? Surely only instances of classes can have state values?
eadocX Support
ParticipantLooking this diagram, you seem to have numbered the connectors, which makes me think that perhaps this is a sequence diagram in disguise! If it was a Sequence Diagram, then you can print the Messages which it contains as an ordered list. See the help
eadocX Support
ParticipantOne way to get this error (in versions at or before is to not specify the location of the EA Package which has document details. If this is set, then this error should not appear.
Issue to be fixed in, when released.eadocX Support
ParticipantUrgh! Nasty.
…but I’m not sure we can do anything about this, as it’s a Word dialog which is popping-up, over which eaDocX has no control.
Good tip though!eadocX Support
ParticipantI had to go back and look at this myself.
There are three kinds of Run State information which you can print:
1 – the Run State name of an Object: this is available from the list of Standard Attributes which you can print for any Object. This prints the value which you can set in EA by selecting the Object, right-click, Advanced | Set Object State. Its a simple string.2 – you can also print a summary of the Run State Variables (accessed in EA by right-click, Feature and Properties, Set Run State. Here you can give values to attributes of the instance. eaDocX lets you print this as a Standard Attribute, but in the second part of the list which are the ‘Summary attributes’. This will print the Variable (attribute name), operator and Value, as a comma-delimited list. This will work for Tables and Inline printing of Objects
3 – Finally, if you print Objects in Inline style, then there is an additional items in the ‘sub-elements’ tab which print a table of the Run State variables. This will automatically create a Profile for ‘Run State Variable’, where you can then print any of the Run State Variable attributes.
…but you’re quite right – all this should be in the help! I’ll add it to the next help release. Thanks!
eadocX Support
ParticipanteaDocX can’t do this.
That is because we create documents using the elements, diagrams or Packages, not connectors which link them together.
You might try an Element Report which uses a SQl query to look at the t_connector table.eadocX Support
ParticipantGood (ish) idea. I fear for the un-prepared user completely messing-up their document with unpredictable Linked Document contents, but I will investigate for the next release. (this will be much later in the year, as I’m just feature-complete with 3.5)
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