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eadocX Support
ParticipantPlease can you try to create a new Word paragraph style (with no spaces in the style name), and see if (1) eaDocX can use it to print other text, then (2) whether eaDocX can use it to print scenario steps.
eadocX Support
ParticipantYou might configure Package elements to print as tables, then make all the other packages in the document print from Element Reports, which make Packages print normally as Inline, but I’m not even sure that this will work.
eadocX Support
ParticipantI seems to be OK in
eadocX Support
ParticipantOpen a new eaXL workbook, and choose ‘Show Project Elements’. You can then export/import/edit the glossary very simply.
eadocX Support
ParticipantI have reproduced the issue.
It looks to be an internal EA Caching problem: sometimes when I add a new Project Issue, it appears in my document, sometimes not. But when I close EA and re-start it, my new Project Issue always appears.
There are a whole family of these issues with EA, where it tries to ‘help’ by caching data, and we haven’t found a way to force it to save all data and return the latest version. Seems to be true for most of the ‘Project’ type data – same thing happens with Project Glossary entries.
…so there’s not much we can do – sorry.
You could help by raising a bug with EA (we have done this already, but no result) If you raise it against Beta2 of EA11 (which is what I’m using) : as they are in a bug-fix mode, they might fix it.eadocX Support
ParticipantI have tried to reproduce the issue, but can’t.
I does seem to be the case that if the contents of the diagram are printed inline, then the Heading Level as shown on the Preview is one more than that which gets generated, but I can increase and decrease the heading level quite OK.
What eaDocX version are you using?eadocX Support
ParticipantJust to make sure I understand this correctly:
– a Package
— Package diagram, containing package (a)and (b) below
— Package a
—(contents of Package a)
–Package b
—(contents of Package b)You want to print the Package Diagram, and something about the A and B Packages (what?), but not their contents?
Have I got that right ?-
This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by
eadocX Support.
eadocX Support
ParticipantHi Phil,
Looks like I just forgot to change the Preview pane to understand that some elements are formatted as Script. This will be fixed in the next Beta maintenance release ( which will be released 7th March 2014.eadocX Support
ParticipantFound it: the routines for grouping of Table- and Inline-formatted elements were subtly different – fixed in, now available.
For Inline formatted elements, eaDocX will now print:
– first all the elements with no stereotype, or a stereotype which uses the default formatting for the element type i.e. same as un-stereotyped elements
– then the groups of elements which have stereotype-specific formatting, printed in groups, ordered by their stereotype name.
– in all cases, groups of similarly-formatted elements are sorted using the chosen sort criteria: which is what you wanted in the first place!Can I just say this is the perfect example of how to get your forum query actioned: your detailed instructions allowed me to reproduce the issue very quickly, and as result the fix was easy to both create and to test.
Well done, and thanks Ken 🙂eadocX Support
ParticipantThanks for the examples: I can see that there is definitely a problem somewhere.
I’ve just re-tested v3.4.0.2, and it seems to be OK – which eaDocX version are you using?
Also, I’m using it with EA11 (probably not a factor) and Word 2010 (may be a factor).
Have you tried defining a new Word style, then using that for Normal Inline text, just to see if something strange is happening with the ‘Normal’ style?
We have seen some problems with non-UK/US English installations, where there is no ‘Normal’ Word paragraph style. Which Locale are you using for Word? We added a setting in the eaDocX Application settings to let you change the default ‘Normal’ style to whatever ‘Normal’ is in your local language.eadocX Support
ParticipantI have tried to reproduce this (in v3.4), but with no success. Please can someone send me an XMI which re-creates the issue ?
This reply was modified 10 years, 12 months ago by
eadocX Support.
eadocX Support
ParticipantSorry, but I’ve been a bit lazy in keeping the Release Notes section of the website updated. ( I’ll fix that now, so that it will always contain list of the fixes in each release.
eadocX Support
ParticipantHi Ken,
I’ve just tried to reproduce this, but with no luck.
I tried:
– Table formatting, sorting on Alias, name, keyword, both normal order and reverse order
– same for inline
…but I’m using a known data source.
Are you sure your data is clean? Are there any strange characters hidden in the data?
Also, do all the items have the same type/stereotype? Maybe that changes something?
Can you send me an XMI with your data? I don’t think I changed anything in the Sorting are for 3.4eadocX Support
ParticipantSorry about this – it’s been fixed in v3.4, which is currently available in Beta.
If you need to continue using 3.3, then you can do a manual release of the licence from the Licence Information screen.
Also, if the user is not using eaDocX, then the licence will automatically release after 10 minutes – same in 3.4.eadocX Support
ParticipantThere is no specific style for structured scenario steps. If you choose to print them in a table, they will use the ‘table’ style settings, if inline, then the inline styles will be used.
If you have not specified a style to be used e.g. for table text, then Word will use the ‘Normal’ (in UK English) style, which seems to often default to Times New Roman 12.
So, if you’re printing the steps in tables, create a style in Word, and call it something like ‘tableText’ (note – no spaces allowed in style names – HTML restriction), then in eaDocX Options and Settings, choose your ‘tableText’ style for ‘Text style – table cells’.-
This reply was modified 10 years, 12 months ago by
eadocX Support.
This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by
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