Forum Replies Created
eadocX Support
Participant– ‘cut’ the whole of the previous section: from
[Section: Document_versions]
..then paste them a bit higher up in the document.
You may need to add some empty line above the [Section:..] bookmark.-
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
eadocX Support.
eadocX Support
ParticipantI guess you must be printing the Behaviour as an inline paragraph – just found I forgot about that bit.
Now fixed in now available on website.eadocX Support
ParticipantFeature will not be available before v3.4, which will probably be released in Beta after Christmas 2013.
eadocX Support
ParticipantStrange – I remember creating this feature. I’ve looked, and it’s gone!! Looks like I’ll have to go back into that old version and re-discover the code. Most Strange. I’ll put it into v3.4 (Backlog #161).
eadocX Support
ParticipantThat’s the magic of Microsoft 🙂
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
eadocX Support.
eadocX Support
ParticipantWhat Word version are you using? EaDocX version? What does the Trace say ?
eadocX Support
ParticipantHi Doug- can you send an example XMI to the usual place: might be a few days before I can get to this: major domestic crisis in progress 🙁
eadocX Support
ParticipantNot so much as bug, as just a bit of EA which eaDocX doesn’t print!
I’ve looked at this, and the information eaDocX needs is not available from the EA Api (see Sparx forum question so I will have to write custom queries which get the data.
This is not a quick fix, so it will take a few days to give you the function you need: the data is hidden away in the EA t_xref table, which is always a challenge to understand!eadocX Support
ParticipantWhich part of your requirement is not fixed?
The previous post – with “Behaviour: Text” is the same output as all other ‘inline’ attributes, but has the main issue been fixed?-
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
eadocX Support.
eadocX Support
ParticipantI don’t know why the Word Navigation option has gone – if it was eaDocX, we didn’t mean to do it..
(just to be clear, we’re talking about the Word / View / Navigation Pane (checkbox).
I don’t remember at what point it disappeared from my Dev. machine, but it has all kinds of strange stuff running on it, so this happens all the time.
On my laptop, which has no dev environment, it works OK, and both are running MS Office 2010 Professional, but with LOTS of other differences.eadocX Support
ParticipantIn the eaDocX menu, choose Tools – Hide Section Marks
eadocX Support
ParticipantThis looks like eaDocX ‘helping’ by removing line-break characters which it thinks aren’t needed.
I will investigate and fix when I’m back in the office tomorrow.eadocX Support
ParticipantI’ve just noticed that, for Elements & Packages you can ‘exclude from whole document’ and ‘exclude from this section’, for diagrams the exclusion always applies to the whole document.
New option added to version 3.3.15 to allow a diagram to be excluded only from a specific section, just like elements and packages.-
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
eadocX Support.
eadocX Support
ParticipantHave a look in the online help under ‘Table formatting’.
eadocX Support
ParticipantHave you tried the ‘exclude from this section’ option ?
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
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