Forum Replies Created
eadocX Support
ParticipantWould it be possible for you to send the document and XMI of the model to, and I’ll look at it in the morning.
eadocX Support
We take the date from the EA LastModifiedDate, and that’s not editable anywhere, even through the EA API. So we’d have to do a direct insert into the EA Database, and that’s not something to be done lightly! If you can live without the date, then all the other facets of a Version can be created by just adding sub-elements under the <>Artifact. eadocX Support
ParticipantShort answer – you can’t split diagrams. There is no API into Sparx to get ‘bits’ of a diagram.
I’m currently waiting for a response from Sparx to see if they can externalise the function they use in the RTF generator, in which case we’ll use that.
In the next release, we will support printing of documents which are defined in EA as being ‘Landscape’ orientation, which you can automatically print on their own Landscape orientation page.
I’ll update this post when I know more from Sparx.eadocX Support
ParticipantHi Peter,
Just a small point of clarification about Profiles and where they are stored.
Each eaDocX Word document has a Profile of its own, which is saved inside the Word document. This is the one which is used to generate the document.
You can also use the built-in Profiles which we supply, or save your own and re-use those. In both cases, they need to be Loaded into your document, to add to or replace bits of the document’s own Profile.
If you use Quick Document to create a document, then eaDocX will scan your EA model, and invent a Profile based on what it finds, which you can then edit (usually to remove the bits you don’t want) using eaDocX.
The Profile save/load is there just in case you want to share a Profile with someone else, but where you can’t send them the whole Word document (which includes its Profile). Sending the whole document is better, as the Profile may contain the definitions of which Word Styles to use, and these only make sense in the context of a document.
‘hope this helps….eadocX Support
ParticipantHi Peter,
I’m probably showing my lack of EA knowledge here, but how do you attach a Tagged Value to a Message in a Sequence Diagram?
None of the Element or Element Browser options give me the chance to add a TV, so that’s probably why there isn’t that option in eaDocX!
In general, for elements (and, in v3.3+, Connectors) you will be shown a list of the TVs which actually exist in your model for that element /connector type – not the ones which are defined in the Tagged Value Types (which might not get used) but those which have actually been used on some real instances.
Please let me know hot to attach the TVs to Messages, and I’ll investigate further!
IaneadocX Support
ParticipantCan you generate any kind of document?
Just right-click on a Package, then select Extensions | Quick Document, and see what happens.
This should produce an initial document, which you can then modify.eadocX Support
ParticipantOK – I have tried this, and like you, I can’t figure out a way to get a predictable result which eaDocX can understand.
So, for the moment, we’ll have to say that SQL Searches are NOT supported by eaDocX. Maybe in some future version, but it does rather go against the whole idea of eaDocX, in that we don’t need our users to understand what happens inside EA.eadocX Support
ParticipantShort answer is no – we try to keep the number of bookmarks down to a minimum, as each one involves a call to Word to create it, and that kills-off performance.
If when you print an element and you also have a link TO that element somewhere else in the document, then we do create a bookmark for the target element: that’s how the internal hyperlinking works. So there IS a bookmark in the word document, but it made from a Hash of the GUID (i think) so may not be readable.
but in one respect you were spot-on : this WAS a long shot… B)eadocX Support
ParticipantDid you notice that it is EANavigator that’s the source of the error? Is that Geert’s gadget ? Maybe de-installing that, and trying again? I didn’t notice that in the last dump.
eadocX Support
ParticipantJust so I’m clear – is the trace above from where the generate was OK, or went it went wrong?
I ask, because the trace looks 100% ok!eadocX Support
ParticipantLooking at the error below, what has happened is that EA has stopped for some reason.
I have forwarded the EA error to the team at Sparx – this is not an error we have seen before. Your OS/EA/eaDocX configuration doesn’t look unusual, apart from Win8, so I’m waiting on Sparx to shed some light.
Once this EA error has happened, it’s hard to eaDocX to continue to play nicely, as we run inside EA. So there’s no opportunity to handle the error, and therefore to tidy-up the dangling winword.exe instances. This is why, when you try to re-start the document, it is in a strange state.
In the very unlikely event this happens again before Sparx can supply the fix, kill Winword.exe, but also then re-open the word document in native Word (i.e. not inside eaDocX). This gives Word a chance to repair the document, which it usually does OK.
You can then re-open the document in eaDocX, and continue.
As for the size of model, the SysML one is fairly small for eaDocX to handle. If you’re prepared to have an extra coffee, you can do a Quick Document on the main EAExample model – this is one of our standard test cases. The current record for any eaDocX document (in testing) is 598 pages.
Can anyone beat that ?I’ll update this thread when there is news from Down Under.
eadocX Support
ParticipantI can’t seem to reproduce this error.
My steps were:
– Create a new Package
– Open the Package in Excel (eaDocX | Open in Excel)
– Added a new row, with type = Requirement, a name
– added a new heading in the yellow bit: called TV1
– added a value for the new TV “TV1 value”
– saved back into EAThe new Requirement element had the correct name, and a tagged-value ‘TV1’ with the value ‘TV1 value’
I also tried your second example, and also didn’t manage to reproduce the error – so I’m probably doing something slightly different to you.
Could you detail exactly the steps you took, what happened, and what you expected to happen, then I can reproduce.
ThankseadocX Support
Participant(no error details were provided)
eadocX Support
Participant1. We looked at allowing the editing of the rich-text ‘Notes’ fields in Excel, but have decided not to in the current release. The HTML which is stored in EA for this attribute is not well-formed, so needs lots of processing to make readable, and Excel does seem to be a good way of editing textual data which is this complicated.
We may change our minds one day, but I doubt it…2. Interesting. We have debated this internally many times. ‘What would we expect?’
We did think about doing things the way you suggested, but found that we were constantly creating tagged values in elements where we didn’t mean to – it’s quite easy here I want to create one or two TVs, but end up creating lots and lots, each with no value. So, in the end, we decided that if the cell was empty, not to create the TV.
If you feel really strongly about this, we might make it a configurable option, but it’s something which users seem to have got used to : if you want to create the TV for all elements, just print “none” or “n/a” in the cell, and the TV will get created.eadocX Support
ParticipantAh – I see. Looks pretty easy then.
Where would you expect to specify what scaling is needed for a diagram? Somewhere in EA? -
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