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eadocX Support
ParticipantI’m still struggling to get the Glossary to 100%.
I’ve had several attempts to get the ‘part words’ problem fixed. It’s proving really hard to get eaDocX to differentiate between abbreviations:
For example:
if your EA Glossary entry is LOS, then eaDocX currently just looks for that character string.
So, if LOS occurs inside other words/strings, you’ll tend to get this happening.
I’m still planning to look at this again in the next release – maybe then I’ll find a reliable solution which meets everyone’s requirements.eadocX Support
ParticipantThanks for this – I just successfully generated a document from this model, so there must be something interesting happening with your environment.
I think I can see from the error message above that there is a problem when eaDocX is talking to Word: which Word version do you have, and can you also send a screen-shot of the message which is in the image above: I can’t quite read the error details.
ThankseadocX Support
ParticipantThe way to make this look neat is to create a Word style for the text which is going into tables, then change that Word style so that it doesn’t have spaces before and after.
– First create the style in Word, making sure the style names doesn’t have spaces in the name (the Word API doesn’t support these!) and change the ‘paragraph’ settings to remove spaces.
– Then, in eaDocX menu, choose ‘Tools | Options | Word Paragraph Styles | Table Styles’ and select your newly-created style in the ‘Table Body’ row.
So now, whenever eaDocX generates tables, the text in the main body will use this Word style.
…and remember, there are lots of other Styles you can create as well!To avoid having to do this each time you create a new document, just save the document with a new name, and the eaDocX Profile, with all these setting in it, will be copied as well.
eadocX Support
ParticipantI’m sorry to keep asking, but in order to resolve your problem, we really do need some more information:
– Operating system
– Version of Office
– Version of eaDocX
– Version of EA
…and exactly which part of eaDocX you were using when the error occurred.
Without this, we are totally in the dark !Thanks
eadocX Support
ParticipantThis is a known problem with using Quick Document or the Built-in profiles with languages which use a comma as their decimal separator. We’re really sorry about this, and we promise to fix it in the next release. (r3.3)
There is a simple work-around.
Create a NEW eaDocX document (Extensions | eaDocX | New Word Document)
eaDocX will ask you to ‘Choose a Template’ or ‘Auto-Generate a Profile: choose ‘Auto-generate’
– choose Generate Profile (using the defaults)
– eaDocX will them look into your model, and build a profile based on what your model contains, and how it is structured.This usually works.
Sorry for the error.eadocX Support
ParticipantThis is a good suggestion. We’d like to do this, and it’s on the ‘to do’ list for a future release.
The reason we haven’t done it yet is because we can’t figure out how to make Excel format the text nicely, then translate that ‘nice’ formatting back to HTML when you save the element. Excel doesn’t really understand bullets and numbered lists, so this would have to be simulated.
In the end, we decided to just print the notes field ‘as is’, but strongly suggest you don’t try to add your own bullets & lists in Excel – do that inside EA.Any other suggestions for improvements, please feel free to add them to the ‘suggestions’ forum.
ThankseadocX Support
ParticipantPlease email, and we’ll send you back a licence extension, no problem.
eadocX Support
ParticipantIssue Closed
eadocX Support
I have just added support for diagram cross-references, as you requested.
It’s available in V3.2.6 which is now available at shouldn’t need to make any changes to your EA model or document: the diagram references should just resolve next time you generate your document.
eadocX Support
ParticipantWow! This is tricky one.
Can’t see any possibility of implementing this. The reason is that eaDocX only starts to create cross-reference reports only once the ‘main’ document sections are generated. Creating a cross-reference to a cross-reference might easily result in eaDocX going into an endless loop, which would be very hard to detect.As an alternative…
If I understand your problem correctly, you might add details of each User Interface element as you describe each Use Case, and make the UI elements document a list of their Requirements, using the ‘Advanced’ option for the relationship. This allows you to specify multi-hop relationships: UI –>children –> GUIElement –> relationship –> Requirement.
Also, are you trying to avoid printing the same Requirement twice? If so, remember that this was an issue for manually-created documents, for obvious reasons. When a document is generated, this isn’t an issue, as EA has the single version of the Requirement text.
eadocX Support
ParticipantI’m still not clear if eaDocX has an error, or whether you just have a corrupted Word document. If you can’t open a document in stand-alone Word, the eaDocX has no chance.
BTW: make sure, if you have the document opened in eaDocX, you close the document properly: DON’T use the Word close: use the one in the eaDocX window, or the eaDocX menu option to close the document.eadocX Support
ParticipantWhat seems to have happened is that the eaDocX Profile, which is stored at the bottom of the Word document, has been deleted. This can happen when you delete blank pages at the end of a document, or do other tidying-up, espevcially if done outside of eaDocX.
That’s why when the document is opened in eaDocX, even though the Profile is in a hidden text Word field, we make all hidden text visible, so you remember not to delete it.
Ideally, we’d hide the eaDocX profile in another part of the Word document, but this is a Word 2007+ capability, so we’d have to leave behind our customers who have to use Word 2003.
Sorry, but there is no fix for this, expect to revert to a previously saved version of the document (Word Autosave?). If you’re using eaDocX Corporate Edition with Document Management enabled, each new version will be saved as a separate file, so going back one version is a little less painful, but that doesn’t help you right now.eadocX Support
ParticipantYou’re right –
I’ll add it to the ‘to do’ list for the next release..
…so many requirements, so little time……eadocX Support
ParticipantCan you open the document OK in Word (i.e. outside of eaDocX?).
eaDocX is very sensitive to corrupted documents, or at least, documents which Word suspects of being corrupted, because Word puts up lots of dialogs to warn the user when the doc is opened, and eaDocX gets confused.
So normally I would:
– make sure there are no hanging instances of winword.exe running (close them from Task Manager)
– open the document in Native Word, and make sure it has not errors
– then and only then open in eaDocX.
This usually works for me.eadocX Support
ParticipantWhich model are you using to create this error? Is it one of our example models? If not, please can you send the model and I will try to reproduce the error.
Thanks. -
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