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eadocX Support
ParticipantAh – I keep forgetting to upload into the downloads area. I’ll do it in a few minutes- sorry 🙂
eadocX Support
ParticipantI see you have used the EA standard way of organising the Activies which are auto-generated from the Structured Scenario.
If you want eaDocX to document this ‘as-is’, then :
1 – make UseCases print their Children (your top-level ‘…Activity_Graph’ activities
2- Create a profile entry for Activity, which you must print INLINE, as you want to print the Diagrams for each one, as well as their Children.This produces a fiarly bad-looking document, as all the Activities – top-level and leaf-level are of the same type & stereotype, so both print in the same way.
BUT, if, like us, you just want the diagram, then move the diagram to be a child of the Use Case (which I think it really should be… ), and don’t print Activities at all. That way, you have the Structured Scenario (usually with a table of Scenario Steps), then a nice diagram. No point printing the generated Activities, as they just repeat what is in the Scenario Steps.
eadocX Support
Participantwow! Never used this, but always wanted to be able to – yet another bit of EA I’ve never been into ! Thanks for pointing this out. I’ll have a look.
eadocX Support
ParticipantTo print the list of Actors who use a particular use case, in the eaDocX Profile page select ‘UseCase’ – Properties
Under the section ‘Add information about RELATED element’ press ‘Single Attribute’. Then select the type of relationship which you use to connect ‘UseCases’ and ‘Actors’ (should be Association, but some people mistakenly use UseCase as the relationships type).
Then tell eaDocX what to print for each Actor – usually best to choose ‘Name – hyperlinked’ which will print the list of actors for each use case, with a hyperlink to wherever in your document you list all the actors.eadocX Support
ParticipantBy default, all the profiles which include print the Notes of a Package. To remove this, select ‘Package’ in the ‘Profile’ page in eaDocX, and delete the ‘Description’ item in the list of attributes which are printed for each Package.
eadocX Support
ParticipantAh – there’s a trick for that.
If you want Requirements to print INLINE in one part of the document and TABLE in another, then create an Element Report (eaDocX menu | Add Section | Element Report).
There, you can define which package the requirements are in, and decide to print them as a Table, with it’s own formatting.Remember also that, if you’re using the EA/eaDocX approach, you can also create multiple documents, with totally different formatting for different audiences, and generate them together as a Document Set. This is how we tackle this problem, rather than trying to create a one-document-suits-all approach.
eadocX Support
ParticipantMake sure that the ‘Requirement’ element will print it’s Children. Most of the default profiles we supply don’t have this – probably because in our models, we don’t use this kind of parent/child relationship between requirements – we use explicit relationships.
…but if you want to do it this way…
- Find the Profile for ‘Requirement’ (either right-click in the Preview page and select Profile, or, in the Profile pane, select ‘Requirement’
- to work, Requirements MUST print as ‘inline’ NOT ‘table’, so change that if necessary
- Select “Attributes of This Element” | Standard Attributes | Children
This will then print the Requirements recursively. They will also have nested heading levels.
eadocX Support
ParticipantAh – I think I’m getting it!
So you’d like the list of attributes/tagged values for an Inline element, instead of looking like:Attribute1: a1 value
Attribute2: a2 value…To look like:
- Attribute1: a1 value
Attribute2: a2 value…
Have I understood correctly?
We have a lengthening list of new formatting options, and this seems like a very good addition to that list, so I’ll add it on: no promises on dates though…One thing that’s already on the list is the option to print these ‘inline’ attributes in what we’re calling a sub-table: either vertically down the page as a 2-column table, or across, as a two-row table. Would that be of interest?
Not to burden you with our troubles, but we’re constantly having to balance the need to create really great-looking documents in just the way you want, with the need for simplicity: we don’t want to build the RTF generator all over again. So that’s the only reason we don’t have more of these kinds of options: the more options, the more our users have to learn!
As for the formatting option to have the attribute name not-bold, then the attribute value bold, this is possible, but I’d really like to give you the option to choose the Word styles for these bits. BUT, the Word API which we use is a bit picky about multiple word styles in the same paragraph: basically, it’s not allowed.
eadocX Support
ParticipantNot sure I’ve understood the question. Which attribute are you referring to?
If it helps, the way to control the MS Word style (and therefore font etc) is through
eaDocX | Tools | Options | Styles. There is where you can associate the different types of generated text (inline, inline lists, table header, table bullets etc) with a style in your Word document.
…but i’m not sure if that’s what you’re asking….:-)eadocX Support
ParticipantCan you elaborate a bit please? I’m not sure I’ve quite understodd what you’re suggesting.
eadocX Support
ParticipantTo print a child of another element, you need to make the parent element print a standard attribute of ‘children’. Most of the Profiles we supply have this switched-off, as it sometimes means lots of rubbish detail gets printed.
So, if you have, say, a Component element with Classses as children (children in the EA Project Browser) then
– select the profile for Component (make sure it prints as ‘Inline’, as we don’t allow tables within tables)
– in the Profile for that, select ‘Children’ from the ‘Standard Attributes’ drop-down.
eaDocX will then try to find a profile for each child element it finds.
Same if true for Activities which have <> Activities as children. eadocX Support
ParticipantGood news! This has been fixed in the latest download: v2.1.0.30. eaDocX now supports character sets from all the major european languages (validated for Polish and Slovak)
ThankseadocX Support
ParticipantWe understand the problem, and we’re working on it now…
ThankseadocX Support
You’re quite correct – this is broken. Just looking at it now. There will be a fix on the website within 24 hours – this needs fixing before we close the 2.1 Beta. Thanks for finding this!eadocX Support
ParticipantReady now –
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