Forum Replies Created
Guillaume Finance
ParticipantYou should be able to achieve this by saving your Excel file. It can reused with the selection of columns using “eaXL > Open existing” eaDocX menu.
Then simply run an EA export to Excel from the selected package or element in your EA project browser.Guillaume Finance
I don’t have access to an older version of eaDocX to check, however this seems to be an issue to be resolved for a future release.Guillaume Finance
ParticipantHi Gary,
It looks interesting. Could you please provide a quick guidance on how to use this script? Does it have to be copied to each Excel doc that’s used, or only once in Excel?
Is it easy to remove this code when it is no longer needed?Thanks
Guillaume Finance
ParticipantIt can be very useful with data models. Thanks ! 🙂
Guillaume Finance
ParticipantI did it but I cannot find any Key column in the t_attribute table. Do you know the matching EA DB column for this Key? Once identified, I will indeed use the very good Inside EA ebook.
Guillaume Finance
ParticipantAs an I update, I also found out that attributes Tagged Values aren’t listed in the Columns list.
I don’t think this was supported but it may be worth supporting them. If I add them in Excel and update the eaXLProfile hidden content, tagged values are updated ok via Excel (import/export).Note that attributes TV are visible from t_attributetag.
I also noticed that exporting data from EA takes a while to run, even with a local EAP file. Is there any impact from the latest build on the performance?
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Guillaume Finance.
Guillaume Finance
I have elements stereotyped with an installed profile where the TV is populated.
I can find the tagged values from t_objectproperties table (alongside other properties…)could you please confirm the field that you use to populate the column list? (I’m not sure what you mean by t_objectTaggedValues). Perhaps I can find a workaround with this information.
Guillaume Finance
ParticipantIt applies to tagged values that belong to a UML profile (included or not in a MDG).
I’ll email an EA example to Finance
ParticipantHi Doug,
If you apply a manual sorting order to your package, you may want to check my eaUtils free addin for Sparx EA. It provides a range of sorting features including sorting requirements in a package by alias, stereotype, etc.
This addin is available to download from
Guillaume Finance
Participantthanks. I confirm that once I’ve acknowledged the warning and saved the doc in the new repository, any subsequent access no longer leads to the warning message.
Guillaume Finance
ParticipantI’m happy to report that I found a solution and got my script to work.
I need to carry additional tests and will share results once possible.Guillaume Finance
ParticipantNote that I tried to sort elements from the array of guids received.
I have a Sort Dictionary VB function that worked well for other scripts, yet it generates an error message.Here is an extract of my script :
!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-VBScriptsub SortDictionary (objDict)
‘ constants
Const dictKey = 1
Const dictItem = 2
‘ variables
Dim strDict()
Dim objKey
Dim strKey,strItem
Dim X,Y,Z
‘ get the dictionary count
Z = objDict.Count
‘ sorting needs more than one item
If Z > 1 Then
‘ create an array to store dictionary information
ReDim strDict(Z,2)
X = 0
‘ populate the string array
For Each objKey In objDict
strDict(X,dictKey) = CStr(objKey)
strDict(X,dictItem) = CStr(objDict(objKey))
X = X + 1
‘ perform a a shell sort of the string array
For X = 0 To (Z – 2)
For Y = X To (Z – 1)
If StrComp(strDict(X,1),strDict(Y,1),vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
strKey = strDict(X,dictKey)
strItem = strDict(X,dictItem)
strDict(X,dictKey) = strDict(Y,dictKey)
strDict(X,dictItem) = strDict(Y,dictItem)
strDict(Y,dictKey) = strKey
strDict(Y,dictItem) = strItem
End If
‘ erase the contents of the dictionary object
‘ repopulate the dictionary with the sorted information
For X = 0 To (Z – 1)
objDict.Add strDict(X,dictKey), strDict(X,dictItem)
end if
end subfunction exporteaDocX
ELEMGUIDS = ElementGuid.ToString()
‘slit them up into individual GUIDs for processing below
Guids = Split(ELEMGUIDS , “,”)
dim diagElements
set diagElements = CreateObject( “Scripting.Dictionary” )
dim theElement as EA.Element
dim theAttribute as EA.AttributeFor i = LBound(Guids) to UBound(Guids) ‘ do this for each GUID in the list
set theElement = Repository.GetElementByGuid(Guids(i))
diagElements.Add theElement.Name, theElement.ElementGUID
SortDictionary diagElements
dim outputHTML…
[/code]Guillaume Finance
ParticipantQuick update: I updated eaDocX to the latest version ( and scripts now work ok.
Scripts are great for users who have specific requirements.-
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
Guillaume Finance.
Guillaume Finance
ParticipantGuillaume Finance
ParticipantYou can achieve this with eaDocx menu > Tools > Hide section marks
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
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