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  • Ian Mitchell

    I think this issue arrived with v, and was fixed in
    Please can you re-test with the latest verison ?

    in reply to: Documenting SysML Blocks #20800
    Ian Mitchell

    Change of plan.
    I have spent a few days looking into re-implementing Scripting into eaDocX, but it is not possible.
    The mechanism we used to use to do this used a 32-bit Microsoft Script Control, which does not work with 64 bit EA.
    Sparx have confirmed this as an issue, but there is not out-of-the box fix.
    I investigated a third-party solution, but it was very unreliable.
    So sadly, there is no solution to this issue.

    in reply to: Documenting SysML Blocks #20788
    Ian Mitchell

    Hi Paul,
    No way will this ever be fixed using the main functions of eaDocX. Everything works using an (element type + element stereotype) combination, so the whole thing would explode.
    But don’t dispair.
    There was a feature in v5 which uses little bits of script to basically do anything: print any bit of a Word document, ijn any style, using any bit of EA data, and using any rules you can think of. I have not yet put this into eaTeamWorks (nobody needed it until now) but as you have asked so nicely, I’ll find the code and put it back.
    I will also use your example of a secondary stereotype of a <>Class as a test case.
    But will take a few days to implement, so go on your holidays, and it will be ready when you get back.

    in reply to: HEADING LEVEL 1 #20753
    Ian Mitchell

    I think the left/right justifications of headings are part of the Word paragraph style defintion. Can you check that this is set correctly for your H1 style?

    in reply to: Namespace in heading #20684
    Ian Mitchell

    Fixed in verion, now on the website.
    See separate note.

    Ian Mitchell

    We know that the eaTeamWorks installer tries to install un-signed DLLs, which is a problem in some environments.
    This has been on the backlog for some time, and increasing a problem, so we will increas it’s priority.
    For now, if you are not allowed to install un-signed DLLs, then we are sorry but you can not use eaTeamWorks (or any previous versions of eaDocX)

    Ian Mitchell

    Which version?
    All posts on here must say which version you are using, and we will ALWAYS suggest getting the latest verison and trying again.

    in reply to: eaSheets does not start #20610
    Ian Mitchell

    Does this happen with one specific package? Or for any package?

    in reply to: Import the data form excel file #20600
    Ian Mitchell

    I ALWAYS need to know which eaTeamWorks verison you are using.
    And I will ALWAYS ask you to check that the problem occurs in the latest verison of eaTeamWorks which is available on the website.

    in reply to: eaSheets does not start #20599
    Ian Mitchell

    Which version?
    I can’t replicate this.
    Have you tried with other packages ?

    in reply to: Diagram description #20591
    Ian Mitchell

    I still can not reproduce this issue. I have created a new version – – which fixes some other issues to do with diagrams – such as replacing the word ‘Figure ‘ with your local national langauge word (I think you use ‘Rysunek’ ) in the diagram caption, but this should not fix your issue.
    I am not sure what elese I can do wit hthis issue. PLease can you try with v, perhaps with a simplified test case, and see if you can reproduce the problem in a really simple document. I have tried this, and the numbering looks ok.

    in reply to: Opening a Word document #20584
    Ian Mitchell

    I have traced this back to an error in the EA API.
    When I open a document using ‘recent documents’, it opens correctly.
    When I next choose the ‘open document’, Ea tells me that I have again chosen the previous option ‘Open Recent document + file name’.
    ..but the error is not predictable: sometimes I get given the correct menu option by EA, sometimes not.
    So no fix for this, sorry.

    in reply to: How to open a Report profile #20583
    Ian Mitchell

    As always, I need a detailed list of steps so that I can reproduce this issue, starting from a model which I have access to, such as EA Example, or an XMI of yours.

    in reply to: Diagram description #20582
    Ian Mitchell

    With the current version ( I can get your example to print all the titles of the diagrams under the diagram, but that title is on a new page.
    This is because the diagram in EA is on a normal A4 portrait page, but your document print everything landscape.
    I try to fit thw whole diagram into a new page, so it is as large as possible, but you have quite a larger footer area, wich is interfering with the diagram image.
    So i don’t know what do do about this.
    Please can you test with or higher, to make sure the diagram title is printed.

    in reply to: Import the data form excel file #20572
    Ian Mitchell

    Which DBMS are you using?

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 112 total)

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