I’m not a SysML expert, as you know, but Ports are Children of an element. So you need to print the children to see the ports.
Yes – I changed it I thought it looked better.
My thinking was that usually I want to see the tags when I am adding new content, but once it’s re-generated, I don’t want to see them any more.
Next release will now compare the values in relationship columns. Vesion
OK, so I fixed the error were it doesn’t compare element fields and tagged values – that seems OK.
But it still doesn’t compare values in Relationship columns, which I think it should. After all, these might be imported as well. I’ll look into this.
Is some of the data in your sheet from related elements? OR just taged values of elements?
PLease you try this again with the latest version. I can not reproduce this error, so I think I need more details.
Still waiting to get some data so I can test this.
Fixed in I think
I think I have fixed this in the latest release
I have looked at your examples (thanks) and I don’t understand where the issue is.
When I re-generate your document (the ‘Short template..) one, I see a caption under the diagram, as expected.
What are you expecting?
Note: the ‘Preview’ tree view in eaDocX is designed to give you and idea of what your document will probably look like. It will not be 100% the same as the final document, because all kinds of information are left out from the tree view, so that it’s easy to understand. It’s mostly there to see where you have excluded items, and as way to see the overall document structure.
Please cn you provide a simple document which shows the problem (your ZIP file has 3) which show where the problem is.
Fixed in
Problem was in printing of tagged values of stereotyped packages. My bad.
Fixed in v
Thanks for all the information! This really helps me to find the problem quickly.
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