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  • in reply to: Diagram and caption doesn’t fit to page #8334
    Jack Finnegan

    Yes, I agree with that approach. Unfortunately even the basic experience is counter intuitive.

    For suggestions, I’d suggest just looking at my post history. Most of my frusrations have come from things that I think should be obvious, but aren’t. And the solutions I’ve been given sometimes amount to workarounds.

    I think the ipad interface is a lot clearer, though I accept people will put more effort into learning how to watch netflix than create a business requirements document. Some key things that I think apple does that EAdocx doesn’t:

    No spelling mistakes
    Consistent terminology
    Every time something doesn’t respond, it tries to tell you why
    There is generally a basic flow to get something done

    in reply to: Diagram and caption doesn’t fit to page #8332
    Jack Finnegan

    Thanks. Unfortunately, I’m on so it looks like I’m out of luck.

    As an aside, is there any plan for a complete overhaul of the ui for eadocx? Everytime I use it I go red in the face with frustration with some counter intuitive feature. When I’m given the solution on here I often think ‘I never could have thought of that’. Most of my organisation don’t want to use the tool because it is so counter intuitive. While it is functionally useful, it’s viewed as the antithesis of the Apple experience, which is what, rightly or wrongly, people expect nowadays.

    in reply to: Can’t insert a section between sections #8327
    Jack Finnegan

    Thanks, this has worked!

    in reply to: Document details #8204
    Jack Finnegan

    Ok, thanks. I think you should add a pop up when this is selected to notify the user that it must be generated before it can be accessed. It is a very poor and frustrating experience to click something and have nothing happen.

    in reply to: No element of type: Project Glossary in this repo #8194
    Jack Finnegan

    It has miraculously started working now, even though I didn’t change anything. Thanks for your reply.

    in reply to: Doc info not working #8182
    Jack Finnegan

    I’ve sorted it. I needed to change it from inline to table formatting.

    in reply to: Table formatting not working #8165
    Jack Finnegan

    It’s a table style. It’s the right most table option in the picture above.

    in reply to: Document generation error #8168
    Jack Finnegan

    I have opened a word doc called test.docx. I’ve then saved it as ‘test’. I still get the error. I’m using word 2013

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